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This Is the Reset

The Spirit of the Lord says,
These are days of the Great Reset. It’s My reset. It’s My time. It’s My world. And I will do it. I will preside over the Great Reset, and it will set things back to right. My love is like unfathomably deep underground wells, and it will burst forth as geysers from the deep.

The Earth Will Respond to Our Gratitude and Praise

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I’m coming on the wings of the dawn. I’m bringing the new day with Me. My grace is flying high over America. My grace is flying high over the world. My grace is carrying in a new day. The takeoff and acceleration of My grace will begin in Southern California, in Baja, California, and it will race northward and eastward until the continental U.S. is covered with My grace.

The Flood of Truth Is Upon Us

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I Am bringing men and women, boys and girls to wholeness, to the fullness of their rights as children of God. I Am the missing piece for which they have been yearning, for which they have been searching. Wanderers will walk smack into the missing piece of the puzzle of their life, and it will be Me.

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