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The Lord Is Moving for Recompense — It’s Time to Get Up on a High Mountain to Pray

The Spirit of the Living God of Glory says, 
Get up on a high mountain to pray. Lift up your voice in supplication to Me. Lift up your voice, and pour out your heart. Lay it all out — all that is in your heart — all that has been compartmentalized so you can keep going about your daily living, all that has been shut into the recesses of your heart so you can avoid the pain of acknowledgement — of hurt, of desire, of unfulfillment.

A Cleansing Avalanche

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I’m shining My light in hearts. My light is lighting hearts up from the inside. Great lights — bright and increasing lights — will shine right out of the hearts of My true lovers. They are helping to light the way. They are lighting the path to Me, to cleansing, forgiveness and victory.

You Are Covered By God’s Love

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
You are covered by My love. My lifeblood poured out for you covers you, atones you and makes you the righteousness of God. You are in fact covered by My love. Walk as holy ones set apart by My blood which is my love. Can you see that I poured out every drop so you would be made whole? I poured out every drop so nothing would remain undone. It is finished. The power of sin and death is finished!

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