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The Lord Is Performing Operations In the Desert

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all compassion and grace say, 
I’m performing operations in the desert. I’m transplanting hearts and reviving, renewing and restoring hurting and broken hearts in the desert. Hearts that have been locked far away, I Am reviving and bringing back into proper alignment. These operations I’m performing in the desert will restore full joy, will reawaken eyes to sparkle with hope.

This is the Time of a Revolution of the Spirit of the Lord in the Desert Wilderness

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I’m sending My Spirit into dry places. I Am creating and becoming streams in the desert and pools in the wilderness. A thirsty people who do not know Me will drink and find refreshing. They will get a lot more than they bargained for. They will taste life more abundant. They will taste freedom for their soul for the first time, and they will skip and laugh and delight as young calves let out from the stall.

A Holy & Historic Time of Restoration

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I will chase you down to the ends of the Earth. That’s how great My love is for you. Like the parent of a missing, wandering, wayward child or the shepherd of a lost sheep, I will chase you down and restore you. Restoration is the story arch. I long for each of My children to be restored and to be living testimonies of restoration — the restoration of the Master and King — fully covered, fully healed, fully forgiven, fully pardoned, fully and wholly, radically loved.

The River of Living Water Will Transform the Nation

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Activate truth in your heart. Let truth be all that is active. Let faith be what bubbles forth and holds you firmly and strongly where I have planted you. Truth is running like a river, and famine is threatening to dry it up. Those who have lived without truth for so long are waking up with a deep, deep thirst, and they are coming to this river of truth for a drink.

The Power Anointing Comes By Power

The Spirit of the Living God of Grace says, 
Grace is penetrating people’s hearts and shining through it. My grace is hitting people’s hearts, penetrating people’s hearts — bringing to them and through them the Spirit of Might, prophecy and redemption. This is a power infusion. This is the time of the power infusions from Christ the King.

The Lord Is Causing Beauty to Rise from the Ashes

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
Beauty is bubbling up from the ashes. Beauty is emerging from the places that seem barren, scorched and dead. Beauty is rising in the places of loneliness, of hollow longing, of heartbreak that have left you bereft. Grace is surging in the barren places, in the dry places, in the places that seem hopeless. Grace is rising, and the winds of fresh hope are blowing the ashes away to reveal something very beautiful emerging, to reveal something covered in My grace rising and emerging and no longer being held down,

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