The Spirit of the Lord says, Trust and obey. Watch for My grace. Watch for My grace to come in like an unexpected flood. The flood of My grace is starting to lap over the banks of My goodness now.
The Spirit of the Lord says, My Glory is coming to burn up the separation, to bring open access to Heaven. My Glory is coming to bring open access to My Glory. My Glory is the rescuer and the reward.
The Spirit of the Lord says, The world tells you to put on a good face, to smile like you mean it. I promise and deliver change at the spirit level, change at the cellular level, change at the heart level.
The Spirit of the Lord says, Resurrection. Glory. You will see My glory, and My love will overcome. My glory will be evidence that My love is present to overcome the darkness, to overcome the pain, to overcome the trials, temptation and bondage of the world. My glory brings joy, brings hallelujah, brings clarity, focus and purpose. My glory resurrects hearts and original design, original intent.
The Spirit of the Lord says, You will see and taste and experience wellsprings of joy unexpectedly bursting forth — onto your property, your land, into your home, your office. Wellsprings of overwhelming, powerful, uncontainable joy will soon be bursting forth — very soon, momentarily.
The Spirit of the Lord says, Priests of conviction are arising. Priests with clean hands and a pure heart are arising. Their voices are being amplified, and they will shout down the darkness in the church. They will tear down the cobwebs and the evil that has been lurking and even thriving in the church. Priests in the Catholic Church are rising up, and they will roar, NO MORE! They are rising to clean house.
The Spirit of the Lord says, The birds will sing a resurrection song. The Earth will sing a chorus in this resurrection song. As creation now groans, so will it sing a springtime resurrection song. The harvest is ready. The harvest is ripe for the Kingdom. Soon you will see that there are more with us than against us. There will be more in love with Me than you could have imagined.
The Spirit of the Lord says, Chasing. I’m chasing hearts. I Am rooting out the one that people have made the queen of their hearts. Jezebel. That spirit of wickedness, of lust, of perversion, of control. She slithers into hearts like the snake that she is, and she manipulates minds, she darkens hearts with the poison of her black venom. I Am rescuing and restoring hearts from her grip.
The Spirit of the Lord says, Resurrection. Truth. Light. From dark to light. Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to take away the sins of the world. Worthy is the blood that was shed. Worthy is the body that was beaten and broken for you. Worthy is the Lamb. I Am holy, so therefore be holy. Worthy is My Name. All glory and honor belong to Me. Come into My dome of grace. Come into My sphere of light. Come to the place where My Spirit resides.
The Spirit of the Lord says, Change, change, change is all around. Change is in the air. Change is on the leaves. Change is running as living currents underground. A place was born and established in the hearts of men who love Me and who love truth. It’s a place people come to get served truth, to taste truth, to delight in truth.