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This Is the Time of the Youth Rising

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Desire for wisdom is surging. The hunger for Me, the hunger to know Me and experience the reality of being known by Me is surging. A deep hunger and thirst for righteousness is in the mouths and hearts of many. College campuses will continue to display and will explode with the expression of this hunger in a greater way than has ever been seen before.

This Is Project Overcoming

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Chosen. You were chosen for such a time as this. You were chosen for this moment, this day, this hour. You were chosen to push back the gates of hell. You were chosen to repel the onslaught at the gate. You were chosen because you fall humbly on your knees, on your face and you seek My heart, My Word, My will, My ways.

The Outcasts Will Shine Like the Son

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Divine encounters. I Am encountering my people, and not just the ones you’d think. I’m encountering the drug addicted and those on the fringes of society. I’m encountering the forgotten, the cast aside, the rebels and the wayward. I’m encountering those whose delicate hearts have been trampled on by many.

This Rescue Is for Keeps

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I’m going to guide My little children home. I’m taking them by the hand, and I’m guiding them back to My heart. They may not see it. They may not recognize it. Through cloudy eyes filled with tears and the broken hearts and grief that has overcome them, that has overwhelmed them, they may not see it. They may not recognize it. They may not feel it, but I Am taking them by then hand and guiding them back to My heart. I’m meeting them where they are and walking them to the place of personal encounter with Me.

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