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Be Sensitive to the Lord’s Voice — New Opportunities are Here

I heard the Spirit of the Eternal Living God say, 
I’m launching new opportunities. I’m setting something new in motion. While you have been heading steadily in one direction, I will nudge you to the other side of the path. You’re not on the wrong path. You’re not heading in the wrong direction. But I will adjust your vision. I will adjust your steps, and I will bring an opportunity that you may have otherwise passed right by.

Rise Up in Authority. This Is War.

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Lay your weapons down at My feet. Put on the full armor of God. Put on holiness, and distinguish yourself from the enemy. The weapons of your warfare are not carnal, but they are mighty for the taking down of strongholds. Leave the old rhetoric behind. Leave the old arguments and tactics behind. Advance in the full armor of God in perfect peace, in strength, in boldness, in confidence.

The Lord Is Breathing Life on Dreams that Have Been Cut Short

The Spirit of the Living God of Unending, Unconditional Love says, 
I’m digging those stumps up from the ground that have been the markings of discouragement, heartbreak, sorrow and despair — that which the enemy cut off, that which never made it to fruition, that which has made your heart sick and has been buried because it was cut off. I Am digging those stumps up. I Am breathing My Ruach breath of life of them, on each individual one, and I will make them into mature trees of life seemingly overnight.

Personal Changes Are Inbound & A Massive Obstruction Will Come to the Election

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
Changes are here and more are incoming. This is a season of rapid change coming at you. As a baseball catcher at practice, you will be expected to catch many changes being pitched at you in sequence. Unlike the catcher, you may not get much warning that they are incoming. So be on alert. Keep your eyes and your heart, your hands and your feet ready to catch the changes that are incoming.

Your Inheritance Is a Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken

The Spirit of the Unshakeable Living God of Peace says, 
I Am Your rock and firm foundation. In Me you don’t have to fear the shaking. You don’t even have to feel the shaking, even as you observe it taking place. I Am the stability of your times. I Am the great stabilizing force, because I Am immovable, and Mine is a Kingdom that cannot be shaken. That is your inheritance and your birthright.

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