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This Is the Great Awakening

The Spirit of the Living God beckons and issues an invitation —
Praise to the Lamb. Praise to the righteous King who is holy, worthy and and deserving of all glory, honor and praise. Praise to the King of kings, the King of glory. Let the whole Earth sing. Let the whole Earth rise up with songs from the heart — spontaneous songs of worship.

Partner with the Lord to Transform the Swamp

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Troops are arrayed for battle. Don’t be standing around out of place. Don’t be caught off guard. Get into your positions. Man your stations. This is a time to be on red alert. This is a time to be one hundred percent at the ready. Dark forces are arrayed against you. Dark forces are arrayed against your King, the Eternal One. It’s not a fair battle. It’s not a fair fight. The enemy never plays fair. He never plays clean. Yet you still have the upper hand, because I Am with you, and I Am for you. I Am upholding you with My righteous right hand.

It’s Time to Be Hard Chargers — We Are Carving the Path to Freedom

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I Am anointing you with holy pressure. I’m anointing you with the holy pressure to complete that which needs to be completed, to advance that which must be driven forward, to speak that which must be spoken. This is the time of a holy unction that drives my builders, My workers, My partners and My co-laborers to move the ball down the field. My grace is here for advancement.

Do Not Give Way to Fear

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
The trumpets of change are blowing. The trumpets of warning are sounding. You can see the dark clouds gathering from the west and from the east. You can see them gathering from every direction, but you have nothing to fear. You have nothing and no one to fear. You are securely tucked under the shadow of My wing. I Am upholding you with My righteous right hand. Nothing and no one can touch you.

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