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A Purified Heart for the Lord Alone

The Lord says, 
What is making the people sick? What is causing their stomachs to turn? It is the mixture of their spiritual food. They declare My Name but add to it. They worship Me while saying their chants and emptying their minds and bowing to other gods and to people. I Am not a God to tolerate Mixture. I Am not One who has an equal or peers. I AM THE LORD GOD MOST HIGH. THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC & JACOB. I WILL NOT SHARE MY GLORY WITH ANOTHER. 

Freedom Is on the Lord’s Side

The Lord says, 
I’m drawing people. I’m waking them up to see the choices that they have. I’m waking them up to the spiritual and political reality around them. As I wake them up, as they have a revelation of the true choice before them, they are running to Me. They are running from death to life and finding salvation. They recognize the chains, the control, the lack of privacy and suffocating life that socialism offers, and they desire freedom. I Am the giver of breath, of life, of freedom. 

Worship is a Weapon

The Lord says, 
The praises of My people, of My children - their worship crushes the schemes of the enemy. My people have forgotten over time, through history the power that I have bestowed upon them through the finished work of Christ Jesus. They have shrunk back and subjected themselves to the schemes of the enemy, to the works of evildoers. My people are acting like weak and powerless ones. But I have created you with the power of a mighty lion!

Truth Bombs, Uprooted Lies & The Power of Presence

The Lord says, 
Seeds of truth in hearts are blooming. And messages of truth, some important messages of truth are hitting the airwaves. My pleasure is in the truth. I Am truth. I (Jesus) Am the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father but by Me. I Am the way to the Father and the way to life eternal. I Am the truth. And the truth pleases Me. Admission of truth, exposure of truth, reports of truth please Me. And they work to accomplish My ends.

The Crazy Train is Being Derailed

The Lord says, 
The train that that represents where this country is headed is about to break down. The people long for and desire the train to break down. They want to get off of this train of insanity - this crazy train. And they long for and desire to explore the wide open fields of My freedom. They have been boxed in and captured. Their thoughts have been manipulated and their will has been usurped, hidden and covered up. I Am causing this train of madness to break down, and I Am opening up the doors and letting My people return to freedom.

Make Room for Promises Fulfilled

The Lord says, 
I Am moving you, calling you from a place of striving and effort, busyness and stress, to a place of rest in Me, to a place of being, not doing. Life in Me is not about performance or numbers or activities. Life in Me is about dwelling with Me, about connection with Me, and about walking side-by-side with Me. When you are moving with My Spirit, you can sense and see what I Am in and what I Am not in. And you can align your work accordingly. Life in the Spirit is life drenched in meaning.

Communion & Checkmate

The Lord says, 
The intensity of My love for the people is burning today. It is shining a bright light, and it is bringing encouragement to hearts. My love is causing people to lift their heads to heavens and connect with Me. Those who are in the desert place are reaching out in response to the sensation of My intense love, and they are finding Me. I was never far, though they may have not known or realized I was there, I have always been here. I Am always within reach.

Change is Here

The Lord says, 
This is a season where I Am making the impossible happen, where I Am raising dead situations and dead dreams and dead desires, and I Am causing resurrections. I Am doing for the nation what many thought was impossible. I Am doing in your life - in your family, your health, your finances, in the deep desires of your heart - I Am moving in restoration and resurrection power. I Am shaking things up and bringing beauty from ashes. I Am bringing life where there was nothing.

An Undeniable Kingdom Movement of Purity and Power

The Lord says, 
I Am moving to restore purity and power. Power, the resurrection power of Jesus, the Dunamis Power of My Spirit, is still on the Earth. It resides in believers even today, but it is not accessed. Faith and purity are the keys to accessing and releasing My explosive dynamite power on the earth. Healing power. Deliverance power. Life changing power. Restorative power. It is available.

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