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The Lord’s River of Awakening Grace Is Rushing — We Are To Be Ministers of His Grace

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Abundant Grace say, 
Grace in abundant supply is rushing like a river fed by mountain runoff. This grace is fresh. It’s crisp, and it carries awakening. It carries a startling awakening as it rushes over people. As it splashes on to people, they will be touched by awakening. Some will choose to wade into the very chilly, crisp waters of the grace river.

This Is the Day of the Lord’s Favor

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Do you hear the drumbeat of My favor? The drumbeat of My love? It is resounding with a good cadence. It is marching steadily toward you. You will hear the drumbeat of My favor, the intimate drumbeat of My love in your heart, in your life. This is not a time to say, “I have been abandoned.” This is not a time to say, “the Lord has forgotten me.” It’s not a time to say, “I’m all alone, and I can’t see the way forward.” This is a time to rejoice, to cheer with great shouts, to sing songs of My love and My victory, of My faithfulness.

Live in the Up-Higher Place of Prayer in This War Season

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth say, 
It’s hard to see and understand what’s going on, but you can see that we are in the storm. You know that the storm has begun. This is a low visibility time in the natural, but you can see with sparkling clarity in the spirit. I have invited you to this up-higher place with Me, where you can see clearly from My perspective. Even above the storm and down through the storm, you will be able to perceive and know where we are in the storm and what’s taking place.

Warring Will Bring the Victory — This Is Everyone’s War

I heard the Spirit of the Living, Warring God of Zion say, 
Justice is Mine. Celebration is yours. You will see many victories. You will collect the spoils of war. The battles will be heavy, dark and tumultuous, but you are protected and covered by My grace. The shield of your faith covers you, just as the span of My wing hides you. But this is a war season. There’s no two ways about it. You will war. Warring is your portion, because warring will bring the victory.

The Lord Is Surfacing Censored Treasures

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Censored treasures. I’m surfacing censored treasures of old. I’m surfacing ancient wisdom, buried keys and knowledge of great things. Censored treasures are coming to the surface, because I Am causing them to rise. These tools connect to Heaven. These tools tie into and connect to the frequencies of Heaven to bring light, to bring healing, to bring power, to bring life more abundant. They connect to the health of the earth —

The River of Living Water Will Transform the Nation

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Activate truth in your heart. Let truth be all that is active. Let faith be what bubbles forth and holds you firmly and strongly where I have planted you. Truth is running like a river, and famine is threatening to dry it up. Those who have lived without truth for so long are waking up with a deep, deep thirst, and they are coming to this river of truth for a drink.

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