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Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; but the Lord will rise upon you and His glory will appear upon you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. Lift up your eyes round about and see; they all gather together, they come to you. Your sons will come from afar, and your daughters will be carried in the arms. Then you will see and be radiant, and your heart will thrill and rejoice; because the abundance of the sea will be turned to you, the wealth of the nations will come to you.

Isaiah 60:1-5

Radiant Life of Freedom

The Lord says,
Glory. My Glory. I Am causing it to shine down to the Earth. And in some places, I Am already bringing My Glory to the Earth – in some pockets. But soon, My Glory will cover the Earth like a great cloud. A great substantial, tangible weight of My Glory and My Presence will be felt, and it will heal people. It will break the yoke of oppression. It will cause the scales on the eyes that allow for a “less than” kind of living to be removed. It will allow people to see the restraints the enemy has put on their bodies their souls, their hearts and their lives. And they will be able to free themselves from these things under the weight of My Glory. They will walk away, they will remove the chains, they will skip like young calves in freedom as they tear free of the restraints, the lies, the assumptions, the fear that once held them back. These evil restraints no longer have dominion, no longer have a right. They no longer have power over My people says the Lord.

My Power will empower My people, and the the enemy will be reduced. And the people will stand tall and fight for themselves, for their families. They will recognize and know how to use the authority I have given them. It will be commonplace. This is not a Move that is reserved for a few. This Move of Mine is coming for the many. It is coming for the poor and the rich, the powerful and the weak, the hurting and the the doctor, the pastor and the priest. It is coming, and I will touch all races, all religions, all levels of education, all parts of society and all socioeconomic levels. My Move will not be contained or owned by anyone. It will be experienced and celebrated by many.

Promises Kept

The Lord says,
This Move will be marked by promises fulfilled. I will remember My promises to you. And I will keep them. You will see those promises fulfilled in this hour. That is part of My Move. The backlog of blessings and answers to prayer are starting to trickle out. Can you see them? Can you recognize them? Look around. Look at what I’m doing. Look with expectation and wonder. Raise your hopes. Raise your expectations.

Joy and fulfillment is coming in a way you haven’t experienced. This will be a foretaste of Heaven because many will taste and see and enjoy fulfillment of promises without pain or hurt mixed with it. There will be lots of pure joy – unadulterated by the hurts of this world. Pure. Joy. (John 15:11)

Victory Dance

The Lord says,
I Am dancing in celebration, because the victory is won. I say it again, the victory is won. I have won. It is celebration time. You say, Lord, it doesn’t look like we have won. It does not look like victory is here. It looks exactly the opposite of that. It looks like we are doomed. But I say, doom and dread are not sensations that I experience. I have no need for them. Those are the domain and the experiences of the enemy. I bring joy without pain. (Proverbs 10:22)

Come now, sit with Me. Dwell in the place of My Presence. Can you feel the peace? Can you feel the deep abiding peace of My Presence? That’s what you carry. That’s what you go out with. And that is the place you war from, a place of deep and abiding peace. From an anchored, solid, immovable knowledge of My goodness, of My faithfulness, of My word, of My will.

Things look backwards and upside down now. My Move will begin with the appearance of backwards. And it won’t immediately be recognized, because it looks backwards. And backwards looks normal right now. I will move in a way that looks backwards, stealthily, and then I will cause a mighty sudden flip. An instant reversal of things. And backwards will return to its place of backwards – will be called and recognized as backwards. And right will be right again. And light will be light again. And the world will be right side up again. And there will be a permanence and a finality to this flip back to right. So yes, pray. But I say, even celebrate, for My mind is made up. And this is as good as done. In My view, it is done.

The Great Restorer

The Lord says,
Healing – I love healing. I love restoration. I love making things better than new. And that’s what I Am doing for the hearts and lives and relationships of many in this hour. What I Am bringing, how I Am restoring is going to surpass ALL EXPECTATIONS and will vastly exceed every hope. I Am that good. And My good is going to be so big in this hour. This too, is for the many. This is for the many who have cried in prayer. This is for the many who have sought and pursued restoration. This is for the many with broken hearts, for those with sad hearts. I am restoring these things in your heart, your body, your soul, your life and your relationships to a point that is better than new. So much better than that. And your faith will rise. And your heart will soar and your eyes will look up to me, your Lord, your God, your Maker. And you will know joy without pain.

How to Respond

  • Ask the Lord how you can celebrate with Him today, this week.
  • Sit with the Lord and meditate on His beauty, His goodness, His absolute goodness and faithfulness.
  • Ask Him to fill you with His perfect peace.
  • Choose joy now, because the well of it is about to overflow in your life.
  • Find someone to serve with the love of Jesus today. Small acts of kindness change everything.


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