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The Pure and Simple Gospel

The Lord says,
I’m dwelling on Jesus and the light that He carried on the Earth. His compassion and kindness and honesty drew people to Him. Many came to Him because of His reputation as a teacher and a healer and for knowing things that couldn’t be naturally known. Others were drawn to Him and didn’t necessarily know why. It was the peace and the truth that He carried. It was the joy and delight and simplicity that He lived from. It was His disgust with the burdens added to the people and the hypocrisy of the religious leaders – the very ones who were meant to lighten the load and point people to true ways of righteousness.

Jesus, the true and real Jesus of the Bible is easy to love and easy to follow. He offers to swap all of our burdens and cares and regrets and sin for all of His love and forgiveness and righteousness. For life and eternity.

Woe to any religion or religious leader that claims the Name of Jesus and teaches that salvation requires more than a simple sacred prayer and exchange with Jesus. All He requires is that we acknowledge our own sin and downfalls; believe in faith that He is the Savior of the World, the Holy Son of God and the Risen Resurrected King who bore our sins, died and rose again to give us eternal life; and ask Him to forgive us and to be the leader of our lives. Who can add to this? Who can dare add to the requirement of God?

It is a very grave and serious thing for these religious leaders to be heaping burdens and wrong teaching on My people and to be leading them astray. I will not tolerate it. This is a day and an hour of purity. And I demand, I require, says the Lord – the pure Gospel to be preached. With nothing added to it. The simple Gospel is the power of life and transformation and joy everlasting. This is what matters. This is what is in My heart. This cannot be added to.

The Gospel is certainly something that has deeper levels of revelation. The Word of God is multi-faceted and multi-dimensional and has countless fresh meanings – because it is alive and active. But this is adding to your knowledge, to your revelation, to the depth of your relationship with Me. This is a necessary and natural part of discipleship. What I Am condemning is wrong teachings by church leaders, weak, watered down versions of the Gospel, self-help preachers who use My Name for greater access in the Bible Belt. I Am condemning those who add requirements on My people and never give them the the true instructions for peace and for restoring a right and whole relationship with Me – the Lord God their Maker.

I Am condemning these false teachers, these spreaders of false doctrine, and these blasphemers. They will no longer have a pulpit. They will no longer have a place. They will no longer have a platform. I will correct them. And My correction will be decisive and swift. Those who turn and acknowledge their wrongs will have a new fire of great passion for Me. They will walk in a newfound humility and in true joy, because they have been recipients of My grace and new life. Those who do not have a change of heart or posture will lose their platform and will forfeit their soul. This is not something I say lightly. It must be dealt with.

My heart grieves for these ones. The offer, My offer of grace and forgiveness and redemption is the same – to everyone in the world. I came for all, to save all. I hate when people turn their backs on Me. It breaks My heart. But is is an act of their will. And I will not violate My gift to humanity – the gift of free will.

Redemption, restoration, freedom and new life – these are the beautiful fruits of a life that chooses humility and Jesus. It’s just about the pure and simple Gospel. This is beautiful. Complication begets corruption. Keep it simple. Keep the focal point Jesus. Keep the whole point Jesus. What a glorious, victorious, adventure-filled life He offers.

Not a Normal Spring

The Lord says,
On the surface, many things about this spring look normal. When you zoom out, you see that things are not normal at all. Of course life is not normal right now. People are still wearing masks and socially distancing. Tensions are high in society. Political division feels loud and extreme. The government seems less trustworthy than ever at all levels and in all departments. The media operates with an agenda. But I Am hovering over it all. I see it all. My Presence is here, is on the scene and I Am impacting hearts. My Presence is softening hearts, My Presence is opening eyes and unstopping ears. And My peace – I Am releasing My peace in this hour. I Am releasing it like a spring rain.

My peace is moving on those who know Me and those who don’t. It’s even moving on those who hate Me and those who have aligned themselves with evil and are actively pursuing evil deeds. My peace is working the same on all. But those who are actively pursuing evil, those who are hurting children, misleading congregations and pursuing all that is wrong and vile – these I Am lulling into a false sense of security even as I set My trap. And My trap will snap shut, and it will be decisive and final. And many vacancies will follow. Many major shifts will follow. This is not just about politics. This is every realm of society that will see major major shakeups, shifts. It will be the end of an era of darkness and bad behavior for many sectors. It will be the beginning of light and truth and honesty and fairness in many sectors. I Am purging, cleansing, and it will be quick and decisive.

Be at the ready. Many opportunities will open up. Righteous leadership will be required and sought. I will call many up from obscurity. I will elevate many unknowns. Be diligent in your work, and do it with all righteousness – with integrity.

How to Respond

  • Pray for the church leaders – that those who are preaching the pure Gospel keep their eyes on the Lord and grow in boldness and wisdom; that those who are teaching wrong things would get their hearts right and align with the Lord.
  • Declare the power and the the essential nature of the Gospel. That Jesus alone is the way, the truth and the life. That no man can come to the Father except by Him. Period. And for the one who does – there are NO more requirements.
  • Declare justice and pray for righteous leadership in all aspects of society.
  • Sit with the Lord, ask Him to bring to mind any area of your heart and life that is not pure and right with Him – and ask for forgiveness and a new direction in that area. He will be faithful to cleanse your heart and guide you in the right way – to freedom in that area.


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