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Today’s Reading
Ephesians 2
Ephesians 3
Philippians 3

I admit that I haven’t yet acquired the absolute fullness that I’m pursuing, but I run with passion into his abundance so that I may reach the purpose for which Christ Jesus laid hold of me to make me his own. I don’t depend on my own strength to accomplish this; however I do have one compelling focus: I forget all of the past as I fasten my heart to the future instead. I run straight for the divine invitation of reaching the heavenly goal and gaining the victory-prize through the anointing of Jesus. So let all who are fully mature have this same passion, and if anyone is not yet gripped by these desires, God will reveal it to them. And let us all advance together to reach this victory-prize, following one path with one passion.

Philippians‬ ‭3‬:‭12‬-‭16‬ ‭TPT‬‬

I heard the Spirit of the Living God from whom all blessings flow say,
Transitions are here. Transitional moments of power for change are here. Even your transitions will transition. You will enter a transition believing it is a direct line — believing it is a settled point that leads linearly to the next. But you will find out is a compound transition that leads you to unexpected places, that gives you insights into things behind the scenes — provisions for seasons yet to come and evidence of battles already won.

But God still loved us with such great love. He is so rich in compassion and mercy. Even when we were dead and doomed in our many sins, he united us into the very life of Christ and saved us by his wonderful grace! He raised us up with Christ the exalted One, and we ascended with him into the glorious perfection and authority of the heavenly realm, for we are now co-seated as one with Christ!

Ephesians‬ ‭2‬:‭4‬-‭6‬ ‭TPT‬‬

This is a very special time. Your notions of what this time represents are not nearly as big as what this time and place of transition is, nor of what it is capable of doing. This is a transitional time and place of unlimited possibility. You will feel My Presence, My favor, My grace and the sweet gentleness and reserved explosive power of My Spirit in this place. This is a time where My up-higher perspective is available to you even as you move through your daily life. You will begin to experience your dual positioning — on Earth and in Heavenly places. You will be able to do your work —the work I have put in your hands, the tasks I have given you to do — and simultaneously you will be able to see how I Am moving things, how the pieces fit together, how the situation fits with what is happening over here and what is taking place behind the scenes. I Am giving you access into and understanding into My storehouses of provision for future seasons. And you will even bear witness to battles already won.

So I kneel humbly in awe before the Father of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah, the perfect Father of every father and child in heaven and on the earth. And I pray that he would unveil within you the unlimited riches of his glory and favor until supernatural strength floods your innermost being with his divine might and explosive power. Then, by constantly using your faith, the life of Christ will be released deep inside you, and the resting place of his love will become the very source and root of your life.

Ephesians‬ ‭3‬:‭14‬-‭17 ‭TPT‬‬

This is a time that will astonish you, so don’t cling to the way you used to see things. Don’t cling to your linear, earthly dimensional life. I Am granting you access up higher. I Am positioning you up higher, and you will live one life in two places. I will show you how to rule and reign with Me. I will show you what it means to govern. I will show you the power of your spoken words. I will show you their ability to create and destroy, to build up and to tear down.

Then you will be empowered to discover what every holy one experiences—the great magnitude of the astonishing love of Christ in all its dimensions. How deeply intimate and far-reaching is his love! How enduring and inclusive it is! Endless love beyond measurement that transcends our understanding—this extravagant love pours into you until you are filled to overflowing with the fullness of God! Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.

Ephesians‬ ‭3‬:‭18-‭20‬ ‭TPT‬‬

This time of transition is much much more than what you expected. And from here on out, I Am and I will exceed every expectation. It is for your good, and it is also to accomplish my purposes on the Earth — in places you know and in places you have not yet even been. I’m taking you higher. And I will take you farther, much farther and deeper than you expected. The reach of this transition spans dimensions of space and time. You will say, with astonishment and amazement, “Lord this is such a wild ride! It’s more than I ever dreamed. It’s better than I ever could have hoped or imagined.” And your heart’s cry will be to never leave this place of dual positioning — on Earth and in the Heavenly realm. And you won’t have to leave it. I created you for it. It is your birthright. You were made for this.

How to Respond

  • Pray, Lord wow. Thank You for this time of transition that is more than I can understand and is leading to places that are beyond every expectation. Help me to stay close to Your heart. Help me to be a blessing to You. Help me to move into this place of dual positioning. I desire to govern with You. I desire to learn how to live simultaneously on Earth and in the Heavenly realm. Thank You for Your favor and grace, for the sweetness of Your Presence and the nearness of Your explosive power.
  • Declare, And he has generously given each one of us supernatural grace, according to the size of the gift of Christ. This is why he says: “He ascends into the heavenly heights taking his many captured ones with him, and gifts were given to men.” — Ephesians‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬-‭8‬ ‭TPT‬‬
  • Decree, I will not cling to the old way of operating I know. I will allow the Lord to show me how to live simultaneously on Earth, doing the work He has called me to do and in the up-higher place of the Heavenly realm, governing with Him. This is a time of unlimited possibility, and I choose to go wherever and operate however the Lord leads.

For more encouragement from The Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:




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