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The Lord said,
Consider the chickens. They look like they are minding their business. But they always keep an eye out for what others around them are doing, what movements are being made. They are easily spooked, easily startled. And though they were born with wings, they can’t fly. They can just get high enough off the ground for a moment to save themselves.

I am putting a deep deep dread in the chickens. The chickens are the politicians who wouldn’t stand with Me. The ones who protected their career and their face above truth, above what is right, above Me and My word. The chickens are being controlled by weakness, by fear, by a higher power, by manipulation and by threats.

There are two kinds of chickens – those who have turned to Me and sought Me in this time of fear and in the midst of threats. And there are the chickens who who bowed immediately in fear to those higher powers. The first chickens will have redemption, will have a chance, will have their honor restored. They will have new opportunities, and I will strengthen them and protect them. These second chickens – those who were so quick to bow under pressure. Who never sought Me in the midst of their pressure. They have no place in leadership. They have no place representing the interests of the people, because they proved that in their hearts there is no regard for Me, No humility of office, no weight of the office weighing on them to properly represent the people. It was self serving. And they cannot sustain it because they didn’t build it.

The Lord says,
I’m sorting through the chickens. There are some of another kind, these ones shine. Warriors for the truth. Lions. Bulldogs even. They are ones who make Me proud. They don’t require sorting. They will have their place in Me. And they will have their place in leadership. Watch how the people trust these ones who didn’t cower, didn’t buckle, didn’t bow. They are not chickens. They are in a league far above the chickens.

The Lord says,
I’m plucking feathers from these chickens. I’m adding to the pressure, to the pain that they have felt. To see if they surrender in My hands and turn around to face Me. Or if they fight against Me and try to escape. It is a time of testing for the chickens.

How can chickens become lions and bulldogs? They need to be be born again as young chicks and be raised by lions and bulldogs. They need to be led by lions and bulldogs. They need to go to the school of lions and bulldogs. Their training will change their identity, will strengthen their backbones, will raise up courage in their spirits. And then they will begin to transform. They will begin to look like lions and bulldogs.

Pray for mentorship for the chickens. Pray that the chickens turn their face in surrender to Me. These lions and bulldogs could eat every one of them. That’s exactly what will happen. These lions and bulldogs will tear the unworthy chickens to shreds. Publicly. The worthy chickens will humble themselves under the leadership of lions and bulldogs and be trained. But they will have to start from humble positions, low positions. And not many will have the willingness to do that. Pray for the hearts of the chickens.

How to Respond?

  • Prophesy the raising up of lion and bulldog cubs. Declare that I am moving them into places to foster, nurture and directly prepare them to lead.
  • Declare that the lions and bulldogs are guarding the chickens, are watching them. And they will see the weasel type deals that these weak ones make.
  • Declare that these deals will not stand. Declare the destruction of bad deals – that they fail before they begin.
  • Declare the restoration, the rise, the re-establishment of the strong lion I have for America in this hour, Donald J. Trump.


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