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Today’s Readings:
2 Thessalonians 3:1-13
Isaiah 42:3
Isaiah 61
Colossians 4:1-5
Matthew 11:25-30
2 Corinthians 6

…I can’t tell you how much I long for you to enter this wide-open, spacious life. We didn’t fence you in. The smallness you feel comes from within you. Your lives aren’t small, but you’re living them in a small way. I’m speaking as plainly as I can and with great affection. Open up your lives. Live openly and expansively!

2 Corinthians 6:11-13

Take Your Place in the Battle

The Lord says,
The battle belongs to Me indeed. But there is work for you to do. This is not a sit on the sidelines game. This is a war, and all must put on their armor, gear up and run into the fight. I have called you to different places in the battlefield, to different purposes, but we all have the same goal — to defeat the enemy, to defeat the powers of darkness that have overtaken this land. Do not grow weary of doing what is right. What is right is your primary calling in life. Doing right is working hard. Work with integrity and provide for yourself and your family in a way that honors Me, in a way that provides an example for those you work with and come in contact with as a result of your calling.

This is not sidelines Christianity. As far as I’m concerned, sidelines Christianity does not exist. It exists in name only. True Christianity is this — warriors daily putting on their armor and running out into the battlefield to serve, to fight, to protect their little ones and their territory. This looks like prayer. This looks like worship. This looks like being part of a community of believers. This looks like being an employer or employee of integrity – walking in wisdom, in courage, in compassion and with a fierceness of spirit set on doing what is right.

The battle is for those who fight. Therefore, get into the fight. Be a fighter. Do your work with excellence. Let your words be seasoned with grace, kindness, purity and love. Don’t come down hard on the broken hearted. Have compassion. But be fierce about what is right. Protect that which I have given you. Operate in justice and lead with integrity.

Delight yourself in Me. Your fierceness and your steely eyed determination to fight for what is right cannot be self-sustained. It cannot be fueled by anger alone. It must be fueled by a deep knowledge of Me, of My heart, My values, with eyes to see what I treasure. Being closely connected to Me is what will give you the fuel that sustains you in the fight. Being closely and intimately connected with Me, with My heart is a place of incredible freedom. It’s a spacious place that allows dreams to seed and grow and thrive and become. Don’t buy into the enemy’s lie that life in Me is restrictive. Life in Me gives you more freedom than you’ve ever experienced in your life. Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden. I will give you rest.

The Lord’s Hand of Blessing on Businesses

The Lord says,
I Am blessing businesses. My hand of favor, of blessing and of plenty is opened up to bless Kingdom-minded businesses, to bless people who operate with My values, who live generously and serve well. I Am putting a rocket booster on these businesses, and I will push them to the next level, not only to the next level — but to a level that exceeds all expectations. I Am that good. I Am that able. I Am willing, and My face is smiling upon businesses and business owners who reflect Me. Watch your business grow. Watch your resources grow. This I am doing for My lovers. This I Am doing for those whose hearts are in lockstep with Mine.

These resources will be a great and surprising blessing to you and to others that I put on your heart and in your path. You have so much practice in giving. This will not feel like a burden. It will feel like a great blessing and unexpected opportunity — to sow into those who I call you to bless. You are not operating from the heart of a miser. You are already a giver, and that practice and that posture of heart has gotten My notice and has marked you as one to bless in this hour — one who recognizes the power of wealth to serve My causes and My purposes. I Am moving to bless you, to bless your business, to greatly advance your business and to make that blessing go to work for other purposes as well.

This is not a later word. And this is not a theoretical word. This is a now word with tangible outcomes and tangible proof.

How to Respond

  • Sit with the Lord. Examine your heart. Are there areas in the work He has called you to that you are holding back or not operating in excellence? Ask Him to give you fresh energy and fresh excitement about the work He has you doing, so that you can bring your best efforts to it.
  • Are you worn out and over-burdened? Sit with the Lord, and ask Him to give you His view of your situation. Ask Him if there are areas you are focusing or putting effort that can be stopped. Ask Him to show you what the essential work for today is and to give you grace to do it. Ask Him to share the burden with you, and see how light it becomes as He does.
  • Worship with a full and glad heart — even in the midst of the battle — there is great purpose for you personally in it.
  • Ask the Lord if there are any tweaks, changes, or new strategies for your business. He is moving to bless businesses, so get into the stream of that blessing. Ask Him to remove anything that is not serving your business and to give you eyes to make wise choices and changes to grow and prosper your business.


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