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Today’s Reading:
Psalm 68
Isaiah 6

”You, O God, sent the reviving rain upon your weary inheritance, showers of blessing to refresh it. So there your people settled. And in your kindness you provided the poor with abundance.“

Psalms‬ ‭68‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The Spirit of the Living God from whom all blessings flow says,
I Am causing streams to flow in the desert. I Am bringing a downpour of favor, blessing and great refreshing in the place where people have been waiting for their transition. Destiny is here. Anointings, gifts and platforms are being given. They are being handed out and distributed by My graciousness and My love. They are being handed out to individuals who have been waiting, who have shown themselves faithful, diligent and true in the desert place. I have provided a protected place for you in the desert where you have been waiting. Many have been waiting here for My grace and love to come and meet with them in a fresh and personal way, and I Am now doing that. The experience, the anointing, the gift giving will be imparted differently and look differently and than you expected, but it will be a heavy, weighty and far reaching gift. It will require help to carry it. Even so, I will supply the help.

”Look! The mighty chariots of God! Ten thousands upon ten thousands, more than anyone could ever number. God is at the front, leading them all from Mount Sinai into his sanctuary with the radiance of holiness upon him. He ascends into the heavenly heights, taking his many captured ones with him, leading them in triumphal procession. And gifts were given to men, even the once rebellious, so that they may dwell with Yah. What a glorious God! He gives us salvation over and over, then daily he carries our burdens! Pause in his presence“

Psalms‬ ‭68‬:‭17‬-‭19‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Truth has been rising out of the desert. And My grace and love are meeting with these faithful ones who have done the work I’ve put in their hands, who have keep their hands to the plow and who have persevered in this dry and barren place. Truth is coming to the desert, and truth will emerge from the desert.

”Standing above him were the angels of flaming fire, each with six wings: with two wings they covered their faces in reverence, with two wings they covered their feet, and with two wings they flew. And one called out to another, saying: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, Commander of Angel Armies! The whole earth is filled with his glory!” The thunderous voice of the fiery angels caused the foundations of the thresholds to tremble as the cloud of glory filled the temple! Then I stammered and said, “Woe is me! I’m destroyed —doomed as a sinful man! For my words are tainted and I live among people who talk the same way. King Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies—my eyes have gazed upon him!” Then out of the smoke, one of the angels of fire flew to me. He had in his hands a burning coal he had taken from the altar with tongs. He touched my lips with it and said, “See? The burning coal from the altar has touched your lips. Your guilt is taken away; your sin is blotted out.” Then I heard the Lord saying, “Whom should I send to my people? Who will go to represent us?” I spoke up and said, “I will be the one. Send me.”“

Isaiah‬ ‭6‬:‭2‬-‭8‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The wolves are salivating at what they sense as weakness, spiritual fainting and a poverty mindset that appears to be overtaking these diligent ones. But My Spirit is rising on them. My grace is covering them. And I have given them everything they need to strengthen their own weak knees. This is a time to stir up your most holy faith. This is a time to lock down your mindset to holiness and the truth of the Word. Nothing false, nothing foul, nothing that’s a lie or a soft spot for unbelief should be allowed. Firm up your armaments around your heart and mind. Let only truth, love and beautiful things that cultivate the fruit of the spirit within you have entry. Purge your mind and heart of unbelief. It is weakening your ability to carry weight of the gift that I have for you. I Am placing a white hot stone upon your lips, so your mouth and words and entire being will be clean. The intake of what you permit yourself to hear and see is your responsibility. Know that it absolutely directly connects to your ability and your strength to carry the gift I have given you. Be disciplined. Be vigilant. Keep your hands busy about the work I have given you. Keep your hands to the plow and your eyes on the horizon. Refreshing and fresh weighty anointing is here.

How to Respond

  • Put on the full armor of God daily.
  • Be diligent in the work the Lord has given you, and be very disciplined about what you allow yourself to see and hear.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit come. Examine my heart and mind. Show me where I’m allowing lies to weaken my faith. Show me what I need to purge from my heart and mind to be able to move forward and successfully carry the weight of the gift that You are giving me.
  • Declare, the Lord my God is the Father of Heavenly Lights. Every good and perfect gift comes from Him.
  • Decree, I will stay busy with the work the Lord has for me. I will not be distracted by the news cycle, by the state of the world, by drama or anything else. I will keep my eyes on the Lord and the work He has called me to do. In partnership with Holy Spirit, I will root out every lie and every input that is weakening my faith. I will strengthen myself in the Lord by meditating on His faithfulness, His love, His grace, His forgiveness and His beauty. I will experience the Lord’s grace and love giving me an incredible far-reaching, weighty gift, and He will supply the support I need to carry it.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:
2023: The Holy Spirit Advantage Has Been Activated
2022: The Truth Will Come in Like a Mighty Rushing Flood
2021: Stand. Occupy. Pray.


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