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Today’s Reading:
Ezekiel 12
Song of Songs 2

“Son of man, what do you understand of the proverb you say among yourselves in the land of Israel, ‘Time goes by, and these visions never happen’? Very well, tell them, ‘Lord Yahweh says this: I will put an end to this proverb, and it will never be repeated in Israel again.’ Tell them instead: ‘The time has arrived for every vision to come true,”

Ezekiel‬ ‭12‬:‭22‬-‭23‬ ‭TPT‬‬

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say,
I’m unlocking hearts, and desires are being made real. Give Me the key to your heart. Grant Me full unfettered access behind your gates, within your gates. I will weed the little weeds that have grown up alongside the path to your innermost heart. I will sweep the dust off of this protected, paved, rarely trod pathway to your innermost heart. I’m preparing the way for desires made real. I’m clearing the path and making perfect the pathway for you to hold your promises in your hand.

The season has changed, the bondage of your barren winter has ended, and the season of hiding is over and gone. The rains have soaked the earth and left it bright with blossoming flowers. The season for singing and pruning the vines has arrived. I hear the cooing of doves in our land, filling the air with songs to awaken you and guide you forth.

Song of Songs‬ ‭2‬:‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭TPT‬‬

This is a time of difference. You are different. You have become different. Your posture is different. And you have allowed Me full unfettered access to be the gatekeeper of your heart and the gardener who clears and makes beautiful the way. This is a time of difference. You have handed over the key, and allowed Me the right to be the keeper of your gate, the keeper of your heart, the guardian of your soul. As you relinquish that right, as you cede that right, you will find treasures untold. You will find that since you have released that duty to Me, you are free to move and love and be open and operate as a freed one, as a redeemed one, as a fully protected one who is not doing the full time job of protecting herself.

Yahweh spoke to me again, saying, “Son of man, behold, the people of Israel are saying that your visions and prophecies are about the distant future, not today. They say, ‘He is prophesying of times in the distant future.’ So tell them, ‘Lord Yahweh says to you: There will be no more delay. My words will be fulfilled now! What I have prophesied will be done. Lord Yahweh has spoken!’ ”

Ezekiel‬ ‭12‬:‭26‬-‭28‬ ‭TPT‬‬

You have said it many times, countless times, that I Am your protector. Let Me be your protector. Hand over that job to Me, and you go on, and do other duties. You do the jobs and love the people I put in your path, and leave the protection of your heart and the keeping of your gates up to Me. This is a time of difference. This time is different. You are different. The scene is different. The players are different. Allow yourself to believe that this is the time of difference.

How to Respond

  • Entrust the Lord with the right to guard your heart and life, so you can be busy with the things He’s called you to do.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit thank You for being with me. Thank You for loving me, for protecting me and for guiding me in the way I should go. I give You the keys to the gate of my heart. I give You the right to clear the pathway and protect me from harm. I will stop being my own gatekeeper, and I will instead be busy doing the work and loving the people You put in my life.
  • Declare, give the Lord the right to direct your life, and as you trust Him along the way, you’ll find He pulled it off perfectly! – Psalm 37:5
  • Decree, I hand to the Lord the keys to the gate of my heart. Instead of being my own full-time gatekeeper, I relinquish that right and job to Him. Instead of being a guard, I will be free to do the work and love the people He’s put in my life. And He will bring the right people and the right opportunities. I won’t be anxious, afraid or worry.

For more encouragement from The Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:




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