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Today’s Readings:
Proverbs 4:20-27
Amos 9:13-15
Isaiah 65:17-25
Hebrews 11

But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create; for behold, I create Jerusalem for rejoicing and her people for gladness. I will also rejoice in Jerusalem and be glad in My people; and there will no longer be heard in her the voice of weeping and the sound of crying.

Isaiah 65:18-19

Miracles & Rapid Transformation

The Lord says,
Amazing things are going to start happening so quickly you could get whiplash from trying to keep up. I Am digging dreams out of the deep places of people’s hearts, and I Am moving to fulfill and bless them. I Am moving in the places where your heart has been broken. I Am moving in the places where you haven’t dared to dream in a long time. I Am moving in such a way that the brokenness and the tender places will burst with joy, with ecstatic joy! Like a woman who has been in labor for many hours finally giving birth and meeting her long awaited child, you will remember the pain that your heart has dwelled in no longer.

I Am breaking off the gloom. I Am breaking off the spirit of foreboding. I Am breaking off the identity of pessimism – of not getting your hopes up so that your heart won’t feel disappointment. I Am bursting forth with a new day, so fresh, so wild, so big, so radiant, and so full of My love, that you will take deep lung fulls of fresh air and marvel at the new reality you are walking in. You will play and dance like a child, because your heart is so full of gladness at the fulfillment of these deep desires of your heart. I Am healing hearts and broken discarded dreams in an instant.

Get Your Hopes Up!

The Lord says,
Get your hopes up! Get your hopes up! Lift your face toward Heaven. Don’t let your face be downcast. I Am moving and working on your behalf to fulfill dreams that you’ve dared not even speak. I Am that good, that personal and that able. I will fill you with wonder. Watch your own countenance be filled with the wonder of a child again. Watch your heart rejoice in a way that has not happened in a long long time. Watch your feet remember how to dance or to make a new dance for the first time because the joy I Am bringing is so overwhelming, it will create spontaneous outbreaks of joy, of celebration, of laughter and of amazement. You will sit stunned, staring on in wonder at the works I have done in your life. You will worship, and you will be filled with thanksgiving. You will know it was Me. You will humble yourself and call Me Lord, because you will know without a doubt that I moved on behalf of My beautiful and dearly loved child – I moved on behalf of you.

A Time of Great Transplanting

trans•plant trăns-plănt′►
intransitive verb:To uproot and replant (a growing plant).
intransitive verb: To transfer from one place or residence to another; resettle or relocate.

The Lord says,
I am transplanting hearts. I Am transplanting lives. This will be a time of great movement. I Am shuffling and moving people to new callings, new destinies. I am uprooting them from their places of small thinking, small hopes, small dreams, small expectations, and I Am putting them in spacious places. I Am giving them room to have God-sized dreams, hopes and expectations. I am transplanting people’s hearts, mindsets, and I Am physically transplanting some as well. This is a season that will be marked by the new, by change, by movement.

I Am doing this to position people for the growth and development of My Kingdom. I’m doing this for the Harvest. I’m doing this for the fulfillment of dreams. I’m doing this to birth new dreams and to put people in the right place (mental and/or physical) to meet the right people at the right time.

This is going to be a time of very busy movements. Many personal moves will be happening. Many personal changes are about to take place. Many hearts will be lit aflame with excitement at the new callings, the new opportunities, the new desires, and the new change that I have set up. It will be a time to rejoice in great personal changes.

Moving Mountains

The Lord says,
Even as I move to make great personal changes for individuals and families, you will also see Me move mountains. I will be moving mountains and making major social, societal, governmental, cultural, economic and financial changes. I will be doing the impossible in people’s personal lives, and likewise I will be doing the impossible on a larger societal, national and even global scale. Big changes are coming. I Am ushering them in. I Am bringing them, and I Am moving to fulfill and maximize their utility.

Your job is to hear My voice. Be attuned to Me. Move and respond to the nudging, the light, and the movement of the Holy Spirit. Ready yourself for change, for movement. This is not a time to dig in your heels. It is a time that requires great mental, emotional, and physical flexibility. Be agile. Be quick to respond to My voice. Be quick to be obedient. Be quick to help others who are moving to the sound of My heartbeat. Be quick.

How to Respond

  • Declare the goodness of the Lord.
  • Declare that He is Healer.
  • Declare that God is more than capable of fulfilling your dreams and changing world systems.
  • Declare that God is willing to move and is moving to fulfill dreams big and small in your life.
  • Prophesy that the season of great change is upon us – that the Lord is moving to make great changes for us personally and in national and world systems.
  • Rejoice, worship and give thanks to the Lord today.
  • Remind yourself of the many ways the Lord has been faithful, has held your hand and guided you, protected you, and provided for you.


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