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Today’s Reading:
Isaiah 62

5 Regarding Zion, I can’t keep my mouth shut,
regarding Jerusalem, I can’t hold my tongue,
Until her righteousness blazes down like the sun
and her salvation flames up like a torch.
Foreign countries will see your righteousness,
and world leaders your glory.
You’ll get a brand-new name
straight from the mouth of God.
You’ll be a stunning crown in the palm of God’s hand,
a jeweled gold cup held high in the hand of your God.
No more will anyone call you Rejected,
and your country will no more be called Ruined.
You’ll be called Hephzibah (My Delight),
and your land Beulah (Married),
Because God delights in you
and your land will be like a wedding celebration.
For as a young man marries his virgin bride,
so your builder marries you,
And as a bridegroom is happy in his bride,
so your God is happy with you.

Isaiah 62:1-5

The Spirit of the Lord says,
Grace in the middle. Grace will get you through the struggle. Grace will push and glide you though this transition that is wrought with friction. Grace is coming behind you to give you a big push forward. It will feel like a jolt. It will feel perhaps like an unwelcome collision. But it will push you through the threshold of change. It will push you through the open double doors of opportunity and recompense. What felt like a rude run-in will change the whole scene of your life. It will change not only what’s possible and what’s available. It will change your experience and what you hold in your hand.

God has taken a solemn oath,
an oath he means to keep:
“Never again will I open your grain-filled barns
to your enemies to loot and eat.
Never again will foreigners drink the wine
that you worked so hard to produce.
No. The farmers who grow the food will eat the food
and praise God for it.
And those who make the wine will drink the wine
in my holy courtyards.”
Walk out of the gates. Get going!
Get the road ready for the people.
Build the highway. Get at it!
Clear the debris,
hoist high a flag, a signal to all peoples!

Isaiah 62:8-10

You are being unceremoniously bumped out of this middling ground into the territory of royalty. You are being pushed into a place in which you were meant to, you were designed to and you were appointed to reign. The grace is abundant here, and it will make it easy to see next steps, easy to have game changing ideas, easy to advance quickly and easy to walk in holy confidence. As you are bumped and pushed and even head-butted across this threshold of change, of opportunity, of open double doors, you may be startled, and you may be disoriented for a moment. But as you stand, you will see that you have risen. As you get up, will you know that your feet are on firm ground and that you stand taller here — that your mind is much clearer here. This is the place you were made to inhabit. This is the place you were made to build. This is the place you were made to occupy, to reign and in which you are to advance in no uncertain terms.

By My grace I Am bumping you into the place of your great occupation — a place of destiny and dreams, a place of beauty and prosperity. It is a land of hope. It is a land where possibilities are made real. It is a land where your work is not toil, and your work amounts to something quickly. It’s a place where the pieces come together, and the true picture can be seen.

Yes! God has broadcast to all the world:
“Tell daughter Zion, ‘Look! Your Savior comes,
Ready to do what he said he’d do,
prepared to complete what he promised.’”
Zion will be called new names: Holy People, God-Redeemed,
Sought-Out, City-Not-Forsaken.

Isaiah 62:11-12

Don’t try to run back across the threshold of change when My grace shoves you through it. This is a time to move only forward. This is a time to occupy and reign. This is a time to reign and advance. This is a time when anything is possible. The word is go. The simple word is go.

How to Respond

  • Trust the Lord with all of your mind, heart, soul and strength.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit, help me to discern the times. Help me to recognize the move of Your grace in my life. I want to move forward. I want to make it through this threshold of change and walk as royalty into the place You have appointed as the place of my great occupation. I want to operate in great confidence, and I want to reign and advance there.
  • Declare, the Lord’s grace is pushing us through the threshold of change.
  • Decree, I will trust the voice of the Lord, and I will recognize the move of His grace in my life. I will rise up in the authority given to me by Christ Jesus, and I will occupy, advance, reign and thrive in this land of hope. I will go when He says go. I will only move forward.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in 2022: America Will Be Great Again

And in 2021: The Lord Will Expose What’s Been Operating in Darkness


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