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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 105
Isaiah 54

11 “You unhappy one, storm-tossed and troubled,
I am ready to rebuild you with precious stones
and embed your foundation with sapphires.
12 I will make your towers of rubies,
your gates of sparkling jewels,
and all your walls of precious, delightful stones.

Isaiah 54:11-12

The Lord says,
I have set a table for you. I Am Jehovah Jireh, your provider. I Am the Lord of abundance. I Am the Lord of the harvest. I Am the Lord of all fruitfulness. Will I not pour these out for My children whom I love? Will I not provide everything you need? Have you not seen My hand of faithfulness in your life?

We have a long track record, you and I. And I have met every need you faced. So look up. Look to the rock from which you were hewn. Look to Me, the Lord God your Maker and the Source of all life. Will I not abundantly provide for your every need?

2 “Increase is coming, so enlarge your tent
and add extensions to your dwelling.
Hold nothing back! Make the tent ropes longer and the pegs stronger.
3 You will increase and spread out in every direction.
Your sons and daughters will conquer nations
and revitalize desolate cities.

Isaiah 54:2-3

Let Me reiterate — I Am not the God of getting by. I Am the God of abundance, of more than enough. That is what is in My heart for My lovers. I desire to see you thrive, to grow, to expand and multiply. I desire for you to be fruitful and to experience and live in great abundance. So believe that. Tear down every thought of Me you have that says that I love poverty, that I create lack, that I want you to just scrape by.

My economy has never been one of a zero sum game.
In My economy, there is more than enough for all. There is more than enough to go around. One person having more does not mean that another will have less. My economy is not man’s economy. Get into the mindset of My economy, that all boats are able to rise, that I Am overflowing with love and abundance and great gifts that I have hidden for you and will pour out from My heavenly storehouse.

43 So God brought out his chosen ones with singing;
with a joyful shout they were set free!
44 He gave them lands and nations, just like he promised.
Fruitful lands of crops they had never planted were now theirs.
45 All this was done for them so that they would be faithful
to keep the ways of God, obeying his laws and following his truths.
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

Psalm 105:43-45

Look to Me, the God of abundance, to not only provide for you, but to knock your socks off with blessings and surprises that you could not have fathomed.

Don’t operate from fear, and don’t operate from lack. Operate as royalty and a child of abundance, a child whose Father’s wealth knows no end and is so vast it cannot be counted. This is not a call to careless living or to recklessness. No, rather it is a call to wisdom and trust. It’s a call to have faith in the One who has gotten you this far. It is to fill up your tank with hope and a reminder of My faithfulness. It is to bring clarity to your mind and a strong reminder that abundance and growth, fruitfulness and multiplication are My ways. And they are ways for you too.

8–9 For though a thousand generations may pass away,
he is still true to his word.
He has kept every promise he made to Abraham and to Isaac.

Psalm 105:8-9

Grab ahold of the Kingdom economy, where generosity bears much fruit, where sacrificial giving in faith brings a multiplied return. Great is My faithfulness. Live with an unshakeable conviction of this.

Don’t fret or stress. Rest in the the assurance of My provision, My abundance and My ability to create something out of nothing. Great is My faithfulness.

How to Respond

  • Worship. Sing songs about the faithfulness of the Lord.
  • Live in joy and holy expectation of the Lord’s provision and His desire to not only provide but to pour out abundantly into your life.
  • Ask the Lord to bless the work of your hands and to give you keys to fruitfulness in your endeavors.
  • Ask the Lord to multiply your business and to bless your workplace and home.
  • Be one who is quick to be generous to others and in your offerings to the Lord.
  • Count your blessings, and live a lifestyle of continual thanksgiving.


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