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Today’s Readings: 
2 Timothy 4:1-5
Psalm 20
Hebrews 11:32-12:13
Isaiah 54

Some find their strength in their weapons and wisdom, but my miracle deliverance can never be won by men. Our boast is in the Lord our God who makes us strong and gives us victory!

Psalm 20:7

The Lord says,
Close your eyes and imagine the the Kenyan plains with wild animals grazing. They look so serene from far away, and then when you get close, they are massive and fierce, and deadly. This is a picture of the life I have called you to lead — to mind your own business, to guard your territory, and to viciously defend it against all trespassers and enemies, foreign and domestic. I have called you to be a fierce warrior. Your stance is at peace, you are calm and at ease. But no one should dare provoke you by interfering with your babies, your pack members or your territory. Enemies will not be able to cut off your food supply (the Word of God) or your access to water (the Holy Spirit).

Athletes look a lot like these fierce animals I have made. They live and operate in a posture of ease and confident assurance, but they can move with serious aggression when the time calls for it. I am calling you to a stance of constant readiness in the spirit. Be ready at all times — in season and out of season. Be on guard at all moments. My hand is with you. You must speak truth. You must push back on the forces of darkness and not let them near the places that I have called you to occupy. Rise up in ferocity and in strength, and let My explosive Holy Spirit Dunamis power flow through you.

You are called to defend. You are called to stand. You are called to fight and advance. In this day and going forward, you are called to advance and take territory from the enemy. Your plot has gotten too small. It’s time to stretch your tent and make room for what I Am doing and the great spoils I Am bringing into your camp, as you war and you fight and you advance against the enemy — in truth, in power, with declarations and prophecies, with My Word and through the power of the Holy Spirit. The fight is here. Put on My full armor and stare down the forces of darkness. You are not to be intimidated. You are not to shrink back, not even one inch. You are a child of the Most High King and you have been given power and authority from On High. You must advance.


The Lord says,
I Am causing the hearts of My mighty warriors to be filled with My love and to shine in the dark places that I am sending them. They should not fear the darkness, I have made them the light. I Am the light and I live within them. Expose the darkness to light and make the bright places brighter. This is an open season for great exploits for My Name’s sake. This is open season to take down strongholds of darkness and the giants of evil that have been encamped here for too long in the territory I have given you. This is open season. This is Spring — the time that kings go out to war.

Healing the Land

The Lord says,
I Am healing the land. I Am literally healing the land as you take back the territory that I have given into your hands. I Am healing the land that once belonged to the the powers of darkness, that were once under the occupation and control of the powers of darkness, and I am healing it. My healing of the land looks like the restoration of peace where there was division, rancor, infighting and turmoil, crime and violence and drugs. It looks like economic recovery. It looks like safety and community and freedom. As you take back the land, I Am healing it.

How to Respond

  • Declare that your home, your family, your city, your state, this nation and the nations of the world belong to the Lord.
  • Ask Him to give you spiritual assignments — like worship, declarations and prophetic acts to take back territory from powers of darkness.
  • Ask the Lord to give you physical assignments to contribute to the restoration of rule of law, righteousness, truth, justice and honor in your community, state or beyond.
  • Spend time in the Word. Deepen your relationship with the Lord and attune your ear to hear His voice.
  • Declare the Lord’s protection over your household as you make these advancements for the sake of the Kingdom.
  • Worship at all times! Live a lifestyle of worship.


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