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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 45-47
Isaiah 49
1 Corinthians 2:6-16

…Things never discovered or heard of before,
things beyond our ability to imagine —
these are the many things God has in store
for all his lovers.

1 Corinthians 2:9

Peace in the Unknown

The Lord says,
My peace is available. My peace is here. Don’t fear the unknown, the future decisions, the the next steps. I Am here. I Am present and accounted for. Ensure that I Am front and center in your sight, in your heart and in your mind; and then take one step and then the next. You can’t game out all of the what ifs, so don’t let the wheels in your mind turn in that direction. Don’t lie awake at night trying to think around all of the possible corners. Just keep your eyes on Me, and step when I say step. Wait when I say wait, get wise counsel when I prompt that.

Bring safe and reliable, trustworthy lovers of Mine into your decision making circle. Get the extra eyes. Make My voice the final say, but seek wise counsel. It is warranted and needed. This is how trust and friendships and relationships are built and deepened, by bringing people into your life for the important parts. Why would you do it alone when you don’t have to? Reach out, invite them in – even into the mess, even into the details.

8–9 Everyone look!
Come and see the breathtaking wonders of our God.
For he brings both ruin and revival.
He’s the one who makes conflicts end
throughout the earth,
breaking and burning every weapon of war.
10 Surrender your anxiety.
Be still and realize that I am God.
I am God above all the nations,
and I am exalted throughout the whole earth.
11 Here he stands!
The Commander!
The mighty Lord of Angel Armies is on our side!
The God of Jacob fights for us!
Pause in his presence

Psalm 46:8-11

Get Excited and Hope Bigger!

The Lord says,
This is a time where you should allow yourself to be excited about your blank slate future, about the options and opportunities at hand. Trust, listen, step. That’s the way forward. Like David said in the Psalms, even if you stumble badly, you will still survive because the Lord will lift you up (Psalm 37:24-25). The righteous will not be kept down.

It’s a beautiful and exciting time to write a new chapter, to start a new story. Lean into that uncertainty and possibility, and let’s do it. Let your dreams be big, and ask Me to enlarge them. Let your heart be filled with hope, expectation and excitement. This is not a time to wait for the other shoe to drop. This is a time to build a new future. Build forward. Walk forward. This is the on ramp to your future.

Delight! Take joy in the small things and the big things. Be a person who is easily delighted, easily excited and sees the endless possibilities of the situation. Hope big. Dream big. Expect big. I didn’t create you for a ho-hum life and a boring future.

Why shouldn’t you be the person with the funnest most exciting life you know? Why shouldn’t you wake up each day exhilarated at the opportunities you have in front of you and the chance to give of your fantastic, fearfully made self to the world around you?

Change your mindset. What are you hoping for? Hope bigger. What are dreaming for? Dream bigger. What are you expecting. Expect bigger.

Do things you never thought you would. Challenge yourself to be in reinvention mode, in very receptive mode, in anything is possible mode. These are the days where anything is possible. Don’t settle.

Our Ship Is Coming In

The Lord says,
I Am making great advances in the Earth. My Presence is advancing like a great battleship. It is advancing and it is intimidating the hearts of the adversaries. The enemy is shrinking back at the sight of My arrival. Those who have been seeking Me, who have been asking for My intervention, My Presence, My justice, are thrilled by the sight. It’s like a WWII ship arriving home filled to the brim with eager sailors ready to be reunited with their families. Such is the feeling of those on the ground. The anticipation, the excitement, the desire is very great. I will make My homecoming even greater than this. But that’s a picture for you. That’s an expectation setter for you.

Justice, mercy, truth, righteousness, deliverance and a great wave of repentance comes upon My arrival. The joy will be unbridled. The self-consciousness will be gone in My Presence. It will be replaced by awe, wonder and deep deep gratitude. The fear of Me – of My arrival is great as well. Many will run scared. But who can Hide from My Presence? Who can outrun the the Omnipresent one? No,they will be found and are obviously already located.

But joy, joy, joy is the headline. This is a season of unspeakable joy. The victory will be with the joyful ones, the uninhibited celebrating ones, the worshippers, the singers, the dancers and the artists. Even acrobatics will be performed in an outpouring of worship to Me in those days of pure, unhindered joy.

Watch. Your ship is coming in. The ship of My Presence is coming in. Great days, great wild days of joy, victory and celebration are just ahead.

How to Respond

  • Daydream with the Lord. Put before Him your hopes, dreams and expectations, and ask Him to enlarge your vision, your desires, and your expectations.
  • Keep your eyes on the Lord. Keep your ear on His chest for instruction.
  • Reach out to trusted believers for help, for wisdom and to be part of your life and decision making in this time of so much transition.
  • Celebrate now. Worship now.
  • Declare to the Lord that He is welcome and His Presence is greatly anticipated.


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