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The Lord has broken the staff of the wicked, the scepter of rulers that struck the peoples in wrath with unceasing blows, that ruled the nations in anger with unrelenting persecution. The whole earth is at rest and quiet; they break forth into singing.

Isaiah 14:5-7

The Lord says,
I’m getting to work. The end of My patience has been reached. My cups of patience have gone dry. My heart of compassion and love for My people is moving, is expanding, is overwhelming. And My love, My move will overwhelm the wicked. My move will overcome the wicked. My move is like a wave crashing over the world. And it will cause many hearts to be changed and will cause many eyes to look up. It will cause many to exalt My Name. And it will cut off the wicked below the knees. My move will draw many to Me and it will cut off the wickedness – the high level wickedness that is insidious and pervasive in the world, in society, in the mountains of culture.

My move is one move, but like Me, it is multi-dimensional. It will fall on, it will overcome the righteous and the the wanderers, the lost and the broken, and the cruel, the evil and the wicked alike.
My move will overcome, will overwhelm them all. But the outcomes across these people will be very different.

My truth is rising in this time. My powerful truth is growing in visibility, in strength, and in might. This truth will be made for all to see. It will not be deniable. It will be obvious and very visible.

This truth will shine bright like a very tall tower of blinding light.
The shadow that it casts will protect humanity from the blast of its rays. But the wicked will look to the light, will be caught off guard and look up into the light, and it will cause their destruction. Their hearts will melt within them. Their souls will collapse.

It will be a new day for humanity. The light of the truth won’t blind those who remain. It will be a beacon of hope. It will draw many to Me. It will restore the hope and the faith of many. It will light new paths for many. And it will be a Glorious Day of many new assignments, many souls and hearts refreshed. Many new perspectives because of the clarity and restoration of sound minds and clear vision and open unstopped ears.

It will be a time of unity and rejoicing and genuine peace on the earth. It will be a foretaste of Heaven. It will be My Kingdom Come to Earth. It will be a new reality, it will be like a whole new Earth.

Time for a Wild Ride

The Lord says,
I Am laying tracks – not for a train, not for a normal train. This is for a roller coaster train. The tracks will be like a rollercoaster. And the train will be powerful. This ride that I Am building, this ride for humanity is going to take us upside down and right side up. It will be disorienting. It will be unfamiliar. It will bring unexpected twists and turns. But it will be a powerful, explosive move, and I Am moving in this wild and even frightening, though exhilarating way – like a roller coaster. And I will blast us forth onto a new track. Onto the right track. I’m putting America and the world on the right track. I’m laying that track right now. And the track is being built while the train is already rolling. Like on a rollercoaster, you are secure in Me. I have you. And we are headed full speed on a wild ride that will get America and the world on the right track.

Buckle up. Get your affairs in order. Don’t delay obedience. Finish projects, tidy up any loose ends and unfinished business. I need you ready. This is going to require undivided attention.

How to Respond

  • Sit with the Lord and ask Him to give you His vision for this Glorious Day, this Glorious Move, this Glorious Future.
  • Ask Him what you need to do to be prepared and positioned.
  • Ask Him to highlight any areas that need to be purified in your mind and heart.
  • Celebrate Him today, celebrate life, enjoy your family, enjoy creation.


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