Life in the Spirit Is Freedom
The Lord says,
This is what life in the Spirit looks like — when you stay in the place of vine and branches living, when you stay in the place of unbroken, uninterrupted communion with Me — you will be led by the Spirit. And what seemed crazy will be logical.
Jesus’s Love Is All You Need
The Lord says,
All things are possible in the covering and knowledge of My love. It’s all you need. My love is all you need. My love is not just a feeling. My love its a tangible reality. My love is expressed in My Son, Jesus. He is the living, breathing expression of My love for you.
A Return to What’s Right
The Lord says,
You are so sweet, so precious, so desirable to Me. I adore you, and I Am consumed with love and passion for you. You are My child and My friend. I Am the lover of your soul. I Am the lifter of your head. In Me lies your holy confidence.
You Are Marked By the Love of the Lord
The Lord says,
Rest in Me. Lean on Me. Find great comfort and strength for today in Me. I Am your champion, your defender, and a mighty strong tower for you to run to. You’re not doing this alone. You don’t need to rely on yourself, your own strength, the force of your own will or your own mind. Lean on Me. I never weary or weaken.
The Tidal Wave of Change Is Here!
The Lord says,
Shine because today’s gonna be your day. Shine because I’m pulling you from dark days into ones filled with My glorious light. Shine, smile, sing, dance and laugh, because the dark days of despair and defeat, of doubt and fear are behind you.
The All Sufficient God Is Here
The Lord says,
My Presence is here. I Am on the scene. I Am present and accounted for. Encourage yourself in Me. Fill yourself to the overflow with Me, with My Spirit, with hope and trust and expectation of My goodness and My faithfulness. I will never leave you nor forsake you.
The Lord Is The Most High God, And He Is Ruling
The Lord says,
I sit enthroned in Highest Majesty. The splendor and magnificence and wonder of My Kingdom cannot be compared. I sit enthroned on high, far above the kings of the earth. I rule with righteousness and justice, knowing and seeing all. Nothing escapes my notice or My care.
The Favor of the Lord and His Great Reversal Are at Hand
The Lord says,
I’m seeking My seekers. I’m seeking My laid down lovers. I’m seeking those whose heart’s cry is to dwell with Me, know Me intimately and to please Me with a poured out life of love. These are the ones I Am seeking.
The Lord is Bringing Great Joy to His People & Confusing the Camp of the Enemy
The Lord says,
Joy is on My heart — indescribable, unending joy. Joy that seems out of place in such darkness and trouble. Joy that can’t be penned up. This is the joy of the Lord. The joy of the Lord is your strength, and it is a mighty weapon. It breaks the powers of darkness and carries you through impossible circumstances. I Am making deposits of ecstatic joy in the hearts of My people.
The Lord is Depositing Joy & Strength for the Final Conquering Strike
The Lord says,
I Am binding up broken hearts and spreading joy into hearts that have not experienced it in a very long time. I Am causing unexpected joy to rise up, and it may feel strange to have this bubbling abiding joy in the midst of such darkness and turmoil. But let it rise.