Carry the Authority of a Warrior & the Faith of a Child
The Lord says,
Praise is a medicine and a weapon. Praise calms the storm inside of you and takes down giants in the land. Praise is powerful. It should not be underestimated and cannot be overstated. Praise both heals wounds and tears down strongholds. Praise establishes authority.
Celebration is Nigh!
The Lord says,
Worship and laughter are the best medicine. Rest. Relax. Take big deep belly breaths. Drop your shoulders. Unclench your teeth, soften your gaze and look up. Remember I Am above it all. I cause the road to rise up to meet you. Though nothing seems certain, though the storm and the waves are still tossing you, remain anchored in Me and look up.
Faith & Worship Are Mighty Weapons
The Lord says,
Praise is a mighty weapon. Praise is a powerful defensive and offensive strategy. Praise causes the forces of darkness to flee. Praise moves you closer to My Presence, closer to My heart. Praise is a fearsome weapon. Use praise to defeat the swirling thoughts, the uncertainties that taunt you, the pressures that are trying to suffocate you.
See Through the Father’s Eyes
The Lord says,
Through My eyes you can see things as I see them. Ask to see your circumstances and the world through My eyes. The lenses through which I view everything are love and compassion and great care. I have the heart of a creator, of a father. Ask to see things from My perspective.
A Lifestyle of Ever Increasing Holiness
The Lord says,
Be holy, therefore as I Am holy. Purify yourself. Stand up tall. Be a people of clean heart, clean lips and clean hands. Sanctify yourself. Continue refining your heart, your mind. Keep securing your boundaries — what you allow into your mind, your eyes, your heart, your ears.
A Shaking and A Mighty Overthrowing Are Near
The Lord says,
I Am holy. Be therefore holy as I Am holy. Walk in purity and in grace as pillars of light, strength, truth and trustworthiness. Don’t be defiled by the things of this world. Keep your heart, your mind, your mouth, and your hands clean. Stay in purity. Live an open book life of truth, authenticity, compassion and love.
Days of Restoration, Transformation & Glory Are Here
The Lord says,
Come to the Father, come into grace. There’s no reason to wait. I’m here. I’m waiting with My arms wide open — full of grace, full of love, full of longing to be restored to my little ones. My heart is full of love for you, and My arms are filled with transformation, with belonging, with purpose and with the treasures of Heaven. Run, don’t walk. Come back to Me. Leave your former ways. Leave your current ways.
Speak Life & Welcome Change
The Lord says,
Does your life magnify Christ who lives within you? Or are you magnifying your circumstances, your disappointments, your hurts and your dysfunction? Are you magnifying your weakness? None of these aspects need to be magnified.
Love, Faith & The Impossible
The Lord says,
Love does. Love looks like something. Love is not just a feeling or a fleeting emotion that you can fall into and out of. Love is a choice. Love is an action. Love is a cold cup of water. Love is a hug for a stranger. Love is looking people in the eyes and seeing their pain, acknowledging their plight. Love is a posture, a lifestyle and a choice.
Exalt the Lord, For He Is Here
The Lord says,
Wait on Me. Wait on Me. Sing songs of praise over your troubles and difficulties. Make all of the things that feel overwhelming and seem bigger than you can handle - make all of these bow to Me. Do this by singing songs of worship as you look on at these troubles, these difficulties, these problems, these ailments, these sorrows.