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Spread Joy

Hearing comes from your heart. That is the wellspring of life that I speak to and from. You can feel the Joy of the Lord bubble up through your heart. It’s the place that peace spreads from. It’s the place that worship arises from. It’s a sacred place. Jesus has residence there. It’s up to you to keep your heart clean and pure. That’s what makes it inhabitable and allows for clear communication.

Jesus is Resurgent

Jesus. He is resurgent. His Name has been suppressed. His Name has brought division. His Name has offended many. His Name causes stress in the hearts of many. But there is about to be a great revelation of the person of Jesus. Of the power, the innate power in the Name of Jesus.

Consider the Chickens

Consider the chickens. They look like they are minding their business. But they always keep an eye out for what others around them are doing, what movements are being made. They are easily spooked, easily startled. And though they were born with wings, they can’t fly. They can just get high enough off the ground for a moment to save themselves.

It’s Going to Be a Wild Ride

The healing that is taking place in these broken ones, in these bruised and damaged ones is coming with, is infused with a rush of energy, and power, of vision and with a target in their sights. The healing is bringing new life and energy - that is far beyond the levels experienced - even before the damage occurred. This energy and power is fueled by humility and gratitude for the work I’ve done.

Moving to a New Era

The destiny of many is wrapped up in this season. The major events soon to take place will change the trajectory of many lives. They will bring new opportunities, new purpose and a completely different perspective to the lives of many. These will run after big callings and big dreams and big ideas. And they will be a blessing to the world.

The Aquifer of Truth

I am administering hope. I am inoculating My people with a strong dose of courage and hope. For both will be needed in the days ahead. Those who look to Me, those with their eyes stayed on Me - they will not falter. They will not waver. They will not step back, and they will not cower.

He’s Calling

His Glory will light the earth, it will settle and hover on the earth and it will light the earth from the inside. His Glory will be among the people in a way it never before has been on earth. And the people will come, the people will weep, the people will celebrate and live in extreme, maximum, joy because of His Presence.

It’s Just Beginning

I am tilling the soil, preparing the ground for new seeds that will be sown. Businesses, ideas, technology solutions, education and more. I am making the ground ready for these. And you will see their fruit in the next season. This season will rapidly change to the next. In an instant, a moment.

It Has Started

The Lord showed me that the Body of Christ is in a dark time of transition and many are weary of looking for answers. There is a fear that we will be waiting a long time to see answers and solutions. The real issue is that we are unable to find the answers with a human perspective. We should not be afraid. The Lord has trustworthy people of authority stewarding and guarding this transition period. And we have the authority to determine our own personal boundaries and who can be inside of the intimate circle during this time.

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