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The Glorious Awakening

Revival and restoration are on My heart. Bringing the spiritually dead back to life is on My heart. Many who think they know Me, will have a fresh introduction, a fresh revelation of who I AM. They will see and recognize that I AM good. I AM goodness personified. And that I AM Love.

Get Ready

Yes, the children are on My mind. And I need doers. Ones who are willing to do the hard thing. To step up, to love, to be a bridge and a safe haven. These children, My children need homes. They need love, they need repair, they need to laugh again, to be children. They need affection that is pure and safe. They need moms and dads. Aunts and uncles. They need to be welcome.

The Contagion of Restoration

I heard the Lord say, "when you look around at the country and the world with natural eyes, it is hard to be an optimist. It is hard to have hope. The sin, the filth, the destruction and disintegration of society and the family; of cities - is so clear. But I AM moving in the midst of this."

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