Wars Are Won in the Secret Place with the Lord
I heard the Spirit of the Living God, the God of Angel Armies say,
Choices are coming — choices to walk in deeper and choices to take an unknown path. This is a time of commitment and covenant, and it’s also time for some things that are completely new. Keep your eyes open. Keep your heart open.
The Lord Is Exposing & Removing the Wolves Leading the Flock
I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth say,
Justice is coming to the Church. False religion is being exposed. Those whose hands have been in the cookie jar are being exposed. Those who have desired and sought to promote and exalt their name above Mine, their fame about Mine are being exposed.
Miracles Will Rise from the Ashes of Defeat and Terrify Hell
I heard the Holy Spirit of the Living God say,
Miracles will start sprouting from the ashes of defeat. Places in your life you thought were dead, that you called over, past and behind you — places where you have experienced crushing defeat — I Am causing miracles to sprout up from those ashes of defeat, and you will see victory. You will see overwhelming victory.
Truth & Worship Will Unfurl and Rise Together
I heard the Spirit of the Living God and Source of all truth say,
The truth is marching on. Like well trained soldiers marching into battle, the truth is marching on and will not be delayed. It will not be deterred. It will not be drawn off task. The truth will march over hot coals to reach its appointed destination for battle. Nothing can stop what is coming. My plan will stand, and it will not be moved.
Do Not Fear! The Lord’s Controlled Demolition Will Set the People Free
I heard the Spirit of the Living Sovereign God say,
I’m getting ducks in a row. I’m setting things up for a fall. A collapse is coming. A big, great fall is coming. A massive fall is coming, but you can rise above it all. You can live above it all, undisturbed by the scene on the ground. What appears to be horrible in this great collapse does not have to affect your emotions, does not have to negatively affect your life.
The Lord Is Raising Up Women Warriors & Sending Them Out to War
I heard the Spirit of the Living God who has won every victory say,
I’m raising up women warriors — women warriors of truth for justice. These will be some of the fiercest, most fearless fighters you have ever seen. These women will not relent. They will not be deterred, and they will not back down from any fight to which I have called them.
The Lord Is Establishing New Order
I heard the Spirit of the Living God who always follows through say, Marvelous grace for change is here. Wonder working grace for change is here. You are beginning to see the wrinkles in the foundational elements now. Those wrinkles will disturb the status quo, and then they will necessitate change. For those who set the status quo, for those whose lives thrive and prosper on the status quo, this will be very disturbing — and then as the wrinkling increases, it will be very alarming. They will see the warning signs that I Am pulling the rug out from beneath their feet.
2025: A Year of Heaven Manifesting on Earth, Dead Ends Leading to Jesus, Underdogs Becoming Victorious & Treason Being Exposed
I heard the Spirit of the Living God of All Creation say,
Heaven is near. It’s nearer now than when you first believed. These are days and a people who are pulling Heaven down to Earth. You are drawing on the resources of Heaven. You are hungering and thirsting for righteousness and connection with the Living God in a way that makes demands on Heaven and draws it closer and closer to Earth. Aspects of Heaven are manifesting on Earth.
Trust the Lord With Your Today & Tomorrow
I heard the Spirit of the Unchanging Living God of Truth say,
Trust Me in your innermost parts. Don’t wait for the other shoe to drop. Walk with Me, step by step by step by step. Your trust is in the eternal. Allow your trust in Me to be in the now and for your future too.
The Lord Is Raising Up A New Breed of Wild Lovers Who Bring Transformative Justice
I heard the Spirit of the Living God say,
Traditions are fading, and love is coming in. Love is coming through. The tidal wave of My grace and mercy is sweeping in, and all that was old is being made new. The air will have a different quality. The truth will be crystal clear, apparent and within reach.