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Today’s Reading:
2 Corinthians 13

Christ is not weak or feeble in his dealings with you but mighty and powerful within you. For although he was crucified as a “weakling,” now he lives robed with God’s power. And we also are “weak ones” in our co-crucifixion with him, but now we live in God’s triumphant power together with him, which is demonstrated on your behalf.”

2 Corinthians‬ ‭13:3b-4‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The Spirit of the Lord says,
My grace is sufficient for you. My power is made perfect in weakness. Don’t you know that your weakness encourages others? Don’t you know that your flaws and mistakes are proof positive that I can do a lot with a willing vessel? For those who are willing, for those who put their lives on offer as a living sacrifice to me — to these and through these I can do magnificent work; and the work is a reflection of Me. The fruit produced from these open and offered lives is beautiful and a reflection of Me. For those who hold on tightly to every aspect of their life, to those who closely curate everything people see, for those, the fruit is meager and the reflection is limited. It’s constrained.

“Now your souls will be strengthened and healed if you hold steadfast to your faith. Haven’t you already experienced Jesus Christ himself living in you? If not, you are deficient. I hope you understand that we cannot be devalued.”

2 Corinthians‬ ‭13:5-6‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Be one whose weaknesses are exposed. It inspires others to step out. Imperfection inspires people to action, to motion. Perfection paralyzes. Be vulnerable, be open, be willing, be one whose work is more important than the way they are perceived, whose offering of work is of greater consequence than the opinions of man. Don’t be one whose value gets left on the cutting room floor just because it’s not perfect. I alone Am perfect.

You are beautiful. You are wonderful. You are a glorious and fragrant representation of Me when you step out and do, when you speak up and say, when you quiet down and listen, when you sit still and be. I have not called you to or asked for perfection. I’ve asked for excellence. I’ve asked for your best. I’e asked for your heart to beat in sync with Mine. I have not called you to perfection. Be still and know that I Am God. Be at peace, and know that I go before you, I cover you and I uphold you with My righteous right hand.

“Finally, beloved friends, be cheerful! Repair whatever is broken among you, as your hearts are being knit together in perfect unity. Live continually in peace, and God, the source of love and peace, will mingle with you. Now, may the grace and joyous favor of the Lord Jesus Christ, the unambiguous love of God, and the precious communion that we share in the Holy Spirit be yours continually. Amen!”

2 Corinthians‬ ‭13:11, 14‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Go forth boldly, openly, freely — just as you are, and leave the rest to Me. You do the work, and I will bring the return. You must be present to win. You must be doing the work I called you to do, laying your life down as a living sacrifice to be in the slipstream of My grace. My anointing meets you as you go, as you work, as you do. Rest in Me as you work. Work honestly and purely, and leave the rest up to Me. Perfection has never been required.

How to Respond

  • Repent if there are areas of your life that you have withheld because of fear and imperfection.
  • Pray, Lord, help me to move forward boldly and in purity to the work You have called me to do — regardless of my feelings. Help me to shake off the insecurities and the desire to be seen as perfect by those around me. I want above all else to be in the center of Your will doing the good work You have planned for me to do.
  • Declare, the Lord’s power is made perfect in my weakness. The Lord loves to use imperfect willing people — even ones viewed by others as foolish — to confound those who believe themselves to be wise.
  • Decree, I will step out in faith and boldness to do the work the Lord has called me to do. I will allow myself to be seen as imperfect in order to accomplish the work of the Lord and to be an opportunity for His grace to shine through and to be seen by those around me.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in 2022: Jesus Will Be Invited Into Many Homes

And in 2021: A Purified Heart for the Lord Alone


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