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Today’s Reading:
Isaiah 28
Luke 8

Hear my voice, listen to my words, and pay close attention to my parable. Does a farmer plow continually at planting time and never plant a crop? Does he continually break open the clods of the ground and never sow his seed? Once he has leveled its surface, does he not sow dill and cumin, planting his wheat in rows, his barley in its proper place, and his rye in a patch? Yes, his God has instructed him and taught him the right way of farming the land. Dill, a small seed, is not threshed with a threshing sledge, nor is a wagon wheel rolled over cumin. Dill is beaten with a rod and cumin with a stick. Grain is crushed and milled for bread, but it is not threshed endlessly. One drives the wagon’s wheels over it, but his horses’ hooves do not pulverize it. This counsel also comes from Lord Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies. For his guidance is unfathomable, and the heavenly wisdom he imparts is magnificent.

Isaiah‬ ‭28‬:‭23‬-‭29‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says,
Changes are here and more are incoming. This is a season of rapid change coming at you. As a baseball catcher at practice, you will be expected to catch many changes being pitched at you in sequence. Unlike the catcher, you may not get much warning that they are incoming. So be on alert. Keep your eyes and your heart, your hands and your feet ready to catch the changes that are incoming. Some of these changes will put your life in a totally new, unexpected direction. Some of these changes will bring partnerships and connections. One of these changes will be monstrous and rather than catch it, you will need to back up and let it land in front of you. This change will seemingly invade the scene and obstruct continuance of the game.

For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light. So take care how you listen; for whoever has, to him more shall be given; and whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has shall be taken away from him.

Luke‬ ‭8‬:‭17‬-‭18‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

And the players will swap out their game playing gloves for inspection gloves. This will interrupt the game for a significant period of time. It will require thorough examination, and it will not be done in secret. It will not be done in a way that the inspection could be manipulated, tampered with or falsified. In fact, spectators and fans will be called down to the field from the stands in order to inspect this monstrous obstruction to the game. It will seem to stall and delay the game and attract attention for a long time, but as time goes on this monstrous obstruction will shrink and shrink and shrink until it is small enough and manageable enough to be moved off of the field to allow the game to resume. It will be pushed out there into left field, still in full view of everyone, but it will only obstruct the players operating in the left field. The rest of the field will be clear for play.

I will set justice as the true measurement and integrity as its plumb line. My hailstorm will sweep away your refuge of lies, and my floodwaters will overwhelm your hiding place.

Isaiah 28:17 TPT

The rules of the game will tighten up. The umpires and the spectators will have very, very strict watch over the balls, strikes, catches, fouls and outs. The game will now have a militant level of oversight and strict play calling. And the people will know at the end of the game, without doubt, without the help or hindrance of commentators and the media that since the giant obstruction was removed from the scene, since the game was stopped and a massive inspection done by spectators, fans, game players and coaches, since the obstruction shrunk down to a much smaller size and was parked in left field, this game has been payed cleanly. This game has been called cleanly, fairly, strictly. And the winner takes all.

How to Respond

  • Ready your heart, mind, body and expectations to catch some rapid changes and connections that will come to your personal life and one massive change or situation that will obstruct the November election and business as usual in America.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit thank You for working all things for the good of those who love You and are called according to Your purposes. Lord we have prayed fervently and continue to work for a clean and fair election. Only You know how we can get one. Send Your angels on assignment and do whatever You need to do make this election transparent, free and fair. Bring back the strict oversight needed for public confidence to be restored in the election process and in our nation’s governance.
  • Declare, the Lord will rise up as at Mount Perazim, He will be stirred up as in the valley of Gibeon, to do His task, His unusual task, and to work His work, His extraordinary work.
  • Decree, I will watch and posture myself with expectation of the Lord’s good in my life. I will catch the changes He throws my way, that redirects and brings fresh energy and partnerships to my personal life. I will stand back and look on as the Lord brings a massive change or situation right into the middle of everything, in full view of the whole world and causes a very public inspection that stops the game (election) for a significant period of time. This inspection will lead to the problem shrinking in size and only ultimately obstructing those playing in left field. This inspection will lead to very strict oversight by those in authority and spectators from the general public. People will be confident in the final outcome of the election, as the Lord restores the rules and the calling of the game.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:
2023: The Winds Are Electrified with Revival
2022: Carriers of the Lord’s Glory
2021: It’s Time for Truth


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