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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 110-112
Isaiah 52

7 They will not live in fear or dread of what may come,
for their hearts are firm, ever secure in their faith.
8 Steady and strong, they will not be afraid,
but will calmly face their every foe
until they all go down in defeat.

Psalm 112:7-8

Deposits of Joy and Supernatural Strength

The Lord says,
I Am binding up broken hearts and spreading joy into hearts that have not experienced it in a very long time. I Am causing unexpected joy to rise up, and it may feel strange to have this bubbling abiding joy in the midst of such darkness and turmoil. But let it rise. Let the joy and the light and the faith arise in your heart, in your spirit, and from your countenance. It is from Me. It is a supernatural grace in the time of darkness and trouble. It is a grace that lends itself to the weapons of worship and praise Let My joy, love, hope and faith arise in you. It is for you, and it is for those around you. It is the supernatural superpowered fuel behind the weapons of worship that I am calling you to employ. Let Me fill your heart, your spirit, your face with the delight of Me, with My favor, My pleasure, My Presence. And you will be strengthened and empowered to wield the mighty weapons of praise that have grown dull in your hands. This is a supernatural sharpening and strengthening for the remainder of the battle.

Worship. Let Me empower you. Let Me strengthen you. Heed My call to be filled and to stand tall and to live from up higher. Heed My call to take up the weapons of praise and remain in the battle. As you praise, as you are filled by My Spirit and you praise, you are in living color, strong and mighty. The forces of darkness are in black and white, looking like scrawny comic book character villains going up against a fierce real life superhero. I Am empowering you to that level in the spiritual – to superhero levels, to superhuman levels.

Hear Me when I say that the deposits of unlikely joy, excitement, love and faith that I Am making into your heart are the supernatural power behind Your fearsome warrior’s praise.
So praise. Accept the deposit, and live a lifestyle of thanksgiving. Leave complaining and grumbling aside. They have no value and only weaken your stance as a warrior. Live in thanksgiving. Live with your eyes set on Me, walking with Me toward the future. One step and then the next. Be a mighty superhero warrior of praise, and move forward with me one step at a time.

7 What a beautiful sight to behold—
the precious feet of the messenger
coming over the mountains to announce good news!
He comes to refresh us with wonderful news,
announcing salvation to Zion and saying,
“Your Mighty God reigns!”
8 Listen! The watchmen are shouting in triumph!
Lifting their voices together, they are singing for joy!
For right before their eyes, they can see
Yahweh returning to Zion!
9 Burst into joyous songs, you rubble of Jerusalem!
For Yahweh has graciously comforted his people;
he has become the Kinsman-Redeemer of Jerusalem!

Isaiah 52:7-9

A Final Offensive Strike

The Lord says,
I Am causing many fresh warriors to rush out into the battlefield for a final offensive strike. I have refreshed them with My Spirit. I have anointed them with joy, conviction, favor and great faith. I have anointed them with the attitude of being on the ultimate winning side and having absolutely nothing to lose. They are fearsome, and they are relentless. They are terrifying the forces of the enemy with their onslaught of war cries and fearsome truth telling. As they rage in their mighty offensive strike, they are breaking through the long held line of the enemy. They are breaking through the battlements, through the defensive line of the enemy camp’s position, and they are going into conquer. These warriors are going in to conquer.

This is a take no prisoners strike. All will come down. All will come down. As these fearsome warriors break through enemy lines, as they move in for a decisive and definitive conquering where no prisoners remain, your job is to worship. Your job is to be in a posture of great thanksgiving and prayer and praise. You can support their efforts with praise, because praise weakens the enemy and causes him to flee. So as you see the battle heating up, praise. Do not despair, you are on the winning side. Praise and run forward into the place that I have put in your heart to conquer.

How to Respond

  • Ask for and accept the deposit of joy, love, hope and faith that the Lord is imparting.
  • Allow joy and faith to arise in your heart and be reflected in your countenance.
  • Declare that the Lord is refreshing many and sending fresh soldiers into the heat of the battle.
  • Worship, praise and maintain and offensive stance of thanksgiving, allowing no entry to doubt, negativity, defeat or despair.
  • Declare that victory belongs to the Lord and to those with Him.


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