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Today’s Readings:
Isaiah 55:6-13
1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1
1 Thessalonians 4:1-11
1 Thessalonians 5:1-24
Psalm 73

29 But you will have a joyous song throughout the night,
as one celebrating a holy, consecrated feast.
You will have gladness of heart,
as one celebrating to the sound of a flute
and dancing up the mountain of Yahweh,
the Rock who shelters Israel!
30 And Yahweh will cause everyone
to hear his awe-inspiring, majestic voice.
He will open their eyes to see his mighty power
coming down with raging anger and consuming fire!
His power will descend in cloudburst, thunderstorm, and hail.
31 And when his rod strikes the Assyrians,
they will be terror-stricken by the mighty voice of Lord Yahweh.
32 Every stroke of Yahweh’s punishing rod
will be to the sound of cymbals and strumming harps.
God himself fights them in battle with dancing!
33 From long ago, the king’s fiery burial place has been prepared,
stacked high with plenty of firewood to fuel the flame.
Yahweh’s breath, like a stream of sulfur, kindles it.

Isaiah 30:29-33

An Invitation to Holiness

The Lord says,
I Am setting many apart and calling them holy. I Am calling many to purify themselves and be holy, even as I Am holy. For where we are going is holy. The road to the future is a road that brings us into a place of holiness. The place where we are going is not like any place you have seen or been or experienced before. It is holy. It is a place and a time where My Kingdom is Come. It is a place where My Presence dwells in a real, tangible and undeniable way.

I Am calling you to make your ways straight, to purify your hearts and your minds. I Am calling you to put away all that does not serve your future purposes in Me, that doesn’t serve your soul by feeding it what is nourishing, and all that does not bow to Me. All of these things I Am calling you to put away. Yes, all things are permissible, but not all things are worthy or profitable. This is a time of essentials. This is a time to pick up only what is worthy, to carry in your heart and mind only that which is worthy.

It is a time of stripping away the baggage, the unnecessary, all that does not add value to your life, all that is a drag on your time that I have not called you to in this season, put it away. I Am calling you to strip everything away to the essentials. That’s the place where you can see My Glory. That’s the place where I can reveal Myself to you. It’s a place without distraction and impurity. I long to reveal Myself to you in a life changing, transformative way, and I will. The day where many will see Me and experience My Glory is near. But I Am calling you to prepare yourself, to sanctify yourself, to purify yourself before that time. It is for your good, it is for My Glory, and it is for My purposes in the Earth.

I Am calling you to be a purified Church, a purified Bride, who can be strong helping hands in the Harvest in the wake of My Glory. The blind cannot lead the blind, nor can the broken mend the broken. Prepare yourself. Get before Me and let’s mend those places now. Let’s clear out the filth and the excess and all that is not useful now. This is not a word of correction. It is a word of preparation. It is a calling. It is an invitation.

As you do this, as you purify yourselves and make yourselves clean and acceptable and holy, putting aside all that is not profitable in Me, there will be work for you to do. There will be strengthening work and outreach work. I am calling My purified Church, My Bride to prepare the way for the coming of My Presence, for the falling of My Glory on the Earth. I will be led forth in praise. Worship, unceasing worship and praise and declarations of My Word will be the path, will be the procession that welcomes in My Glory. I will be led forth in praise. And the mountains as the hills will break forth before Me. There will be shouts of joy, and you will be led forth in peace.

Be active. Cleanse yourself. Seek My face. Seek the searching of My Holy Spirit to help you cleanse yourself before Me. Make yourself accountable to someone — to a faithful brother or sister in Christ. This needs to be a thorough and sustained cleansing. This is to be an ongoing lifestyle of purity. And I Am calling for the initial deep cleaning now. Put guardrails for your holiness in place once the initial cleaning is done. Ask Me and ask those you have submitted yourself to in accountability for help in establishing and maintaining those guard rails.

The Lord is Marching Forth in Justice

The Lord says,
I Am marching forth in justice. I Am marching forth in justice. And those who face My judgement should look very different from those I Am sparing. This is part of the reason and the necessity for the call to holiness, to purity, to sanctification. The world needs to see a stark contrast between those judged and those left standing, those raised up.
I need pure men and women of integrity and of holiness, who can not be moved or bought to raise up in this hour, as I clear the field. This is serious, grave and urgent. Don’t put off the things that I have put on your heart to do in this hour. You don’t want anything to be half-done or undone when My Hand moves. Be ready. Be purified. Be holy. And be among those left standing.

How to Respond

  • Sit before the Lord. Ask for His Holy Spirit to examine your heart and help you pinpoint the areas of your life that need cleansing – your mind, your heart, your Netflix lineup, your Spotify favorites, the comedians you listen to, the books you read…etc, etc.
  • If there is something that the Lord has placed on your heart to do and there is an urgency to it, do not put it off. Get it done.
  • Worship. Welcome the coming of the Lord’s Presence and His Manifest Glory in the Earth.
  • Declare that the Lord is moving and bringing justice.
  • Declare that He is bringing us into a bright and uncharted future marked by holiness.


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