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Today’s Reading:
John 7
Daniel 11
Psalm 46

He who believes in Me [who cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me] as the Scripture has said, From his innermost being shall flow [continuously] springs and rivers of living water.

John‬ ‭7‬:‭38‬ ‭AMPC‬‬

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says,
Live from the wellspring of joy in your belly. Prime that pump if you have to and when you need to, and live from the overflow of My joy in your spirit. Like the Proverbs 31 woman — with My joy you can laugh at even troubling days ahead. You know I Am your shield, your wraparound protection and your reward. I Am the reward of those who diligently seek Me.

…but the people who know their God shall prove themselves strong and shall stand firm and do exploits [for God].

Daniel‬ ‭11‬:‭32b‬ ‭AMPC‬‬

Whom or what shall you fear? The God of the universe is with you and for you. I Am backing you up as I instruct and encourage you saying, this is the way walk in it. We have many exploits and adventures to take on together. Do it with excitement, do it with all joy. You were made for these days. And you were made for this. It’s a great time to be alive. It’s a great time to be in the Lord. Rejoice, rejoice and again I say rejoice.

Laugh at tomorrow, because the God of Angel Armies is backing you up, is leading you forward. The enemy is no match for Me. Trust in Me. Obey My words, and you will not get off of the right path. You will not take a wrong turn. Don’t fear decisions. Don’t fear chaos. Don’t fear turmoil. The God of Angel Armies is right here at your side. Nothing can stop what is coming. But you control your heart posture. You control your mindset. You control your own perception of what is happening. All this must take place. But you can participate and experience it with your feet atop the solid, immovable rock of Christ Jesus, with the God of Angel armies surrounding you and with joy overflowing, spilling forth from your belly. That is your portion. That is available to you. That’s the place on which I want you to stand in the shaking, in the wind, in the storms right through till the dawn of the New Day.

God has a constantly flowing river whose sparkling streams bring joy and delight to his people. His river flows right through the city of God Most High, into his holy dwelling places. God is in the midst of his city, secure and never shaken. At daybreak his help will be seen with the appearing of the dawn. When the nations are in uproar with their tottering kingdoms, God simply raises his voice, and the earth begins to disintegrate before him. Here he comes! The Commander! The mighty Lord of Angel Armies is on our side! The God of Jacob fights for us! Pause in his presence

Psalms‬ ‭46‬:‭4‬-‭7‬ ‭TPT‬‬

I’m calling you to stand and rejoice. Stand and watch. Stand and be busy about the work I have put in your hands — and sing praises, whistle, dance and rejoice while you do it. The God of Angel Armies is fighting for you. Soon you will see your enemies no more. Rise up in bold confidence. Rise up in full joy. The God of Angel Armies fights for you. Your job is to stand, to worship, to watch with anticipation and to rejoice with great joy overflowing.

How to Respond

  • Pray, Lord thank You that You are fighting for me and for all of us. Thank You for being my wraparound shield, a strong tower of refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble. Thank You that I don’t have to fear as the unbelievers do, because I know that You are with me and You are for me. You never leave me, fail me, forsake me or forget me. Help me to stand firmly planted on the truth of Christ Jesus. Help me to keep busy about the work You have called me to do. Help me to rejoice through the storm — because I know that You are fighting for me and I have nothing and no one to fear.
  • Declare, in these days we will experience trouble, but I will be courageous because the Lord Jesus has overcome the world. He has set me and my household in Goshen. The storm will not overtake us.
  • Decree, the Lord God Almighty is the God of Angel Armies. He surrounds me. He protects me, and He fights for me. I will stand on Christ the Solid Rock, the firm foundation of my faith. I will not be moved, come what may. I will stand and work despite the storms and the high winds. I will rejoice through it all, because the God of Angel Armies is by my side. I will see the Lord bring us through to a new day, and I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. In that place I will look and see my enemies no more.

For more encouragement from The Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:
2023: Their Time Is Up
2022: It’s Time to Start Thinking Up
2021: The Lord’s Graces & the Pure Gospel


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