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Today’s Reading:
Colossians 1

The lines of purpose in your lives never grow slack, tightly tied as they are to your future in heaven, kept taut by hope. The Message is as true among you today as when you first heard it. It doesn’t diminish or weaken over time. It’s the same all over the world. The Message bears fruit and gets larger and stronger, just as it has in you. From the very first day you heard and recognized the truth of what God is doing, you’ve been hungry for more.

Colossians‬ ‭1:5-7‬ ‭MSG‬‬

The Spirit of the Lord says,
My grace is sufficient for you. My grace extends out in front of you like a great narrow path. This is the way, walk in it. This is the way where My grace will lead you narrowly, decidedly to victory. The way is narrow, but the path is clear. Follow My grace. My grace will take you places you can’t see and didn’t know exist. My grace is for tightly keeping you on this path of destiny. My grace is for an acceleration and advancement that you can’t even fathom. My grace is to keep you solidly, firmly, truly you in the midst of great advancement, change and and even severe tumult around you.

We pray that you’ll live well for the Master, making him proud of you as you work hard in his orchard. As you learn more and more how God works, you will learn how to do your work. We pray that you’ll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul—not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for us.”

Colossians‬ ‭1:9-12‬ ‭MSG‬‬

My grace is here to hold you together, to keep you firmly, immovably, unchangeably you — the true you — in the midst of what seems like a great fast forward, in the midst of what is a great shaking, in the midst of very surprising promotion to great heights. My grace will center you and keep you as your dreams come into your hand and as you see them manifest in your body and surrounding you. My grace will hold you together, will keep you grounded, centered and true. Outside of my grace you will rely on yourself. Stepping outside of the narrow path of My grace built exclusively for you will cause you to dis-integrate from the true you.

“We look at this Son and see the God who cannot be seen. We look at this Son and see God’s original purpose in everything created. For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, rank after rank after rank of angels—everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him. He was there before any of it came into existence and holds it all together right up to this moment. And when it comes to the church, he organizes and holds it together, like a head does a body. He was supreme in the beginning and—leading the resurrection parade—he is supreme in the end. From beginning to end he’s there, towering far above everything, everyone. So spacious is he, so expansive, that everything of God finds its proper place in him without crowding. Not only that, but all the broken and dislocated pieces of the universe—people and things, animals and atoms—get properly fixed and fit together in vibrant harmonies, all because of his death, his blood that poured down from the cross. You yourselves are a case study of what he does. At one time you all had your backs turned to God, thinking rebellious thoughts of him, giving him trouble every chance you got. But now, by giving himself completely at the Cross, actually dying for you, Christ brought you over to God’s side and put your lives together, whole and holy in his presence. You don’t walk away from a gift like that! You stay grounded and steady in that bond of trust, constantly tuned in to the Message, careful not to be distracted or diverted. There is no other Message—just this one. Every creature under heaven gets this same Message. I, Paul, am a messenger of this Message. * * *”

Colossians‬ ‭1:15-23‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Stay firmly, tightly and decisively on the narrow path of My grace, and it will go well with you. It will be a great joy to you, and I will hold you together amidst victories, blessings, darkness and shakings. I will keep you integrated as your true self in Me. Out of Me, outside of the slipstream — the very narrow path of My grace built exclusively for you — you will dis-integrate. You will not hold your true self together outside of My grace, and you will not advance. This is a promise and a warning. Stay on the path of My grace. I built it. I provided it, and I marked it clearly just for you. I love you. Walk with Me.

How to Respond

  • Pray, Lord, thank You for this narrow path of grace and destiny that You have built just for me. I will walk closely and confidently with You knowing that You are bringing me to places beyond what I could have dreamed, that You are guiding me to adventures that I could never have imagined, that You are fulfilling promises and heart desires in ways that delight and amaze me, and that You are opening doors of great advancement and promotion that could have only been opened by Your grace.
  • Declare, the Lord is providing a narrow path of grace built exclusively for me, so that I can accelerate and advance toward my destiny.
  • Decree, I will walk in the path that the Lord has set before me. I will not stray from it, and He will hold me together. He will promote me, and He will bring me to heights and places I could have never dreamed. I will hear myself say in delight and amazement, “I would not have even imagined it had it not happened to me. “

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in 2022: The Breeze of Hope Is Blowing In

And in 2021: The Lord Is The Most High God, And He Is Ruling


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