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Today’s Reading:
Psalm 46
Isaiah 41
Isaiah 66

“God has a constantly flowing river whose sparkling streams bring joy and delight to his people. His river flows right through the city of God Most High, into his holy dwelling places. God is in the midst of his city, secure and never shaken. At daybreak his help will be seen with the appearing of the dawn.”

Psalms‬ ‭46:4-5‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The Spirit of the Living God says,
It’s time for Holy Spirit to flow through you like a mighty rushing river. The time for power is now. The time for being unstoppable, immovable, uncontrollable by outside forces is now. My faithfulness moves in one direction, forward. My truth moves in one direction, to Jesus. Let the flames of love in your heart erupt in power. It’s time to flow in power. Does the riverbed tire of having the river flow through it? Does the riverbed grow weary of being a vessel for power and a course on which to run? You’ll soon find that the riverbed delights in the rushing of the water. The riverbed delights in the power and rushing of the river. They were made for one another. Just as you were made to be a vessel, a conduit, a riverbed for My power, for My move, for My voice, the sound of many rushing waters.

““I, Yahweh, will respond to the cry of the poor and needy when they are thirsty and their tongues are parched with thirst! When they seek a drink of water but there is none, I, the God of Israel, will not abandon them. I will open up refreshing streams on the barren hills and springing fountains in the valleys. I will make the desert a pleasant pool and the dry land springs of water. I will plant in the treeless desert cedars and acacias, myrtle and olive trees. I will set in the wilderness evergreens, together with many elms and cypresses. Everyone will see and know that I, Yahweh, with my mighty hands have done this. They will consider and comprehend that the Holy One of Israel has created it.””

Isaiah‬ ‭41:17-20‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Like a river I crest, I surge, I slow down and I Am calm in places. It’s not constant surging. I also bring you peace like a river. I bring you peace upon your riverbed of dreams. Those dreams that have been dry and kind of festering instead of flourishing — the move of My Spirit, the gentle pouring out of My Spirit over those dreams will rehydrate them, will breathe life into them very unexpectedly, and they will breathe again. They will grow again in the flow of My peaceful Spirit.

Unpack your dehydrated dreams. Take them out of that otherwise empty suitcase you are carrying around. Place them on the bedrock of the riverbed of your heart. And call on Me. Call on Holy Spirit. Call on My peace that passes all understanding to flow over them, to gently rehydrate and breathe life back into your dehydrated, not forgotten but neglected dreams. Allow My Spirit, call on My Spirit and permit My Spirit to flow gently over those and bring them to life, to health and to fruition. This is the year of My faithfulness. Lean on Me and don’t take no for an answer. I love the persistence and tenacity of the widow who pursued the wicked judge. Remember I Am faithful. I Am THE good Father. I Am THE faithful, true and trustworthy judge. Call on Me. Lean on Me. Don’t take no for an answer. This is the year of fruition. Call on My Spirit to flow over your dehydrated and neglected dreams. I will resurrect them, and I will bring them to full, vibrant life. Don’t take no for an answer. In Me, in the flow of Me all of My answers are yes and amen. And nothing — I said NOTHING — is impossible for Me.

“So rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her! All who love her, join in with her great joy, especially those who remember her grief! You, her children, will drink the milk of her prosperity and nurse with delight from her glorious abundance! For Yahweh says: “I will extend to her prosperity like a river and the wealth of gentiles like a flooding river. You will nurse from her breast, be cradled in her arms, and delightfully bounced on her knees. As a mother tenderly comforts her child, so will I tenderly comfort you, and you will find comfort in Jerusalem.” When you feast your eyes on this, your heart will leap for joy and be revived; your body will flourish and sprout like grass. The mighty power of Yahweh will be revealed, resting on his servants, but his fury will be shown to his enemies!”

Isaiah‬ ‭66:10-14‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Some have tried to build bridges over Me. Some have tried to navigate around Me. But the only way forward is through. The river flows in one direction, to the heart of God, to Jesus Christ the Eternal King. Lean on the Rock of Ages, and step into the flow of My rushing river, the rushing river of My Spirit, My Presence. And I will carry you downstream. When you are in My flow, all that I have for you, all that you ask, all that I have promised is yes and amen. You don’t need a boat. Just get into the flow. Just let go, and be in My flow. My truth remains forever. My truth stands forever. I Am unchanging. I Am the Rock of Ages. Lean into My faithfulness. I Am the same yesterday, today and forever.

How to Respond

  • Let go of your white knuckle grip on your life and circumstances. Release control to the Lord and step into the mighty rushing flow of His Spirit.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit come. Move in power. Move in peace. Help me to jump into your flow with total abandon. The only way forward is in you and through You Lord. Help me to release expectations, fears and doubt. Help me to release it all and live in the provision and guidance of Your Spirit. You are faithful. You are constant. You are unchanging. You will lead me. You will reanimate and resurrect My dehydrated and neglected dreams. You will bring them to vibrant life. Thank You that this is the year of fruition, that every promise in you, every answer in the flow of You is yes and amen. I agree with that, and I will not take no for an answer.
  • Declare, where the Spirit of the Lord reigns and flows in power and in peace, there is freedom.
  • Decree, I will abandon my way completely. I will hold onto the Rock of Ages and get into the powerful mighty flow of the Spirit of the Living God. I will be a vessel for His power and grace and love. I will invite Him and allow Him to move in peace and gentleness over my dehydrated, neglected dreams and prayers. I will see them resurrected and brought to fullness and fruition, brought to abundant glorious life. I will not take no for an answer My God is THE good Father and the good, trustworthy and faithful judge.

Same God – Elevation Music feat. Jonsal Barrientes & Brandon Lake

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:
2023: Choose to Live the Beautiful Grace-Filled, Spirit-Filled Life
2022: Get Excited, Justice Is En Route
2021: Get Your Hopes Up


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