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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 90-92
Isaiah 61

92 It is good to give thanks to the Lord
And to sing praises to Your name, Most High;
2 To declare Your goodness in the morning
And Your faithfulness by night,

Psalm 92:1-2

The Lord says,
I’m never going to let you down. Recount My goodness. Recount My favor. Recount the impossible made possible and the miraculous moments of your life. None of it was a fluke. None of it was coincidence or happenstance. It was a gift from My hand because I am good, and I love you. Steep yourself — your mind and your heart — in the reality of My love. Review your books of remembrance, and let these previous stories and chapters cause new faith to take root. Stir up this faith in your own soul and cause hope to arise. Sit around the dinner table and make a point to recount the miracles, the wonders, the suddenlies, the breakthroughs and the right on time moments that brought relief, joy, fulfillment and answers to prayer.

7 Instead of your shame you will have a double portion,
And instead of humiliation they will shout for joy over their portion.
Therefore they will possess a double portion in their land,
Everlasting joy will be theirs.

Isaiah 61:7

This is a season of extreme breakthrough. One thing after the next kind of breakthrough. Make your heart ready. Make room in your heart. Prime your heart, mind and posture with thanksgiving and great expectation. These are days like you have never seen. This is breakthrough that movies will be made about. This is the kind of favor and massive release of blessings and answers to prayer that will knock the wind out of you and cause you to lose your footing. This is a time of inconceivable lavish love and grace, wisdom, resources, connections, fulfillment of promises and answers to prayer beyond your wildest imagination. Get your hopes up, and then dream bigger. I dare you. I can, and I will do more than this.

4 For You, Lord, have made me joyful by what You have done,
I will sing for joy over the works of Your hands.
How great are Your works, Lord!
Your thoughts are very deep.

Psalm 92:4-5

Live in joy. Get used to the feeling of wearing great joy. It looks good on you. It’s a reflection of Me, and it draws people and favor and more joy to you. Let your joy be full, and then ask Me to cause it to overflow. These are days of great abundance, miracles, new births, new partnerships, new opportunities. The road ahead is beautiful and bright. It stretches far beyond what you can see or fathom now.

11 For as the earth produces its sprouts,
And as a garden causes the things sown in it to spring up,
So the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise
To spring up before all the nations.

Isaiah 61:11

You are about to see My goodness flood the Earth. It will overwhelm, baptize, heal, and bring new life. It will change and rearrange everything. My shaking and My storm may bring chaos and uncertainty for a time, but their aim and their landing place is the restoration of righteous order. It takes a lot of dismantling evil and corrupt and wicked systems to make room for clean, pure and minimalist ones. All of this complication has begotten much corruption. The clean and simple lines of these reformed institutions will make the institutions for the people again. The clean and simple, straightforward language of laws will return power to the people. It will no longer only belong to those who can afford lawyers and accountants. It will belong to the people. It will be accessible to the people, and it will actually serve the people.

16 Let Your work appear to Your servants
And Your majesty to their children.
17 May the kindness of the Lord our God be upon us;
And confirm for us the work of our hands;
Yes, confirm the work of our hands.

Psalm 90:16-17

The people are both the owner and the customer in these new structures. Those who crave power and control will have a healthy fear of the people. They will be kept in check by the beauty and purity of the clear lines, transparency and simplicity of the frameworks and laws. The ferocity of the people will be remembered. The roar of the people will not be forgotten.

For those who are allowed to remain in the offices of public servants, they will do so with a healthy fear and as true servants of the people. They will toe the line, and they will be held accountable for the work of their hands and words that they speak on behalf of the people. The reverential fear of the Lord will return to the land and a reverential fear of assuming a public office will likewise return.

These days are ones that are rapidly approaching. They will come sooner than you think. Hold fast. Look for signs of My storm approaching. The days of the overturning, the returning and the house cleaning are near.

How to Respond

  • Stir up joy in your heart.
  • Make it a point to recount the blessings, favor, miracles and the impossible made possible in your life. Give God the glory. Tell these stories as a family or with your friends who walked through those moments and seasons with you.
  • Build up your faith by living in thanksgiving for the goodness of God.
  • Declare, the Lord is moving in a mighty wave of His goodness that will change the world as we know it.
  • Declare, the Lord is making things right. He is making a way where there seems to be no way. And He is re-establishing justice, righteousness, honor and truth in America and in the world.


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