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Today’s Reading:
Psalm 86
James 4

God, there’s no one like you; there’s no other god as famous as you. You outshine all others, and your miracles make it easy to know you.

Psalms‬ ‭86‬:‭8‬- ‭TPT‬‬

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say,
Drop the conditions. Release your hands from clutching to demands. Release all of that. Just humble yourself and come before Me. Come on your knees, come with an open heart and open hands. Come with your head bowed and your mouth closed. Let My Presence be enough. Take your expectations off the table, and just sit here with Me. Dwell on My goodness. Ruminate on My faithfulness. Remember My miracles and My wonder working power. Will I not do it again? Will I not?

You are the one and only God. What miracles! What wonders! What greatness belongs to you! Teach me more about you, how you work and how you move, so that I can walk onward in your truth until everything within me brings honor to your name. With all my heart and passion I will thank you, my God! I will give glory to your name, always and forever!

Psalms‬ ‭86‬:‭10‬-‭12‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Come humbly, purely, nakedly before Me and allow the testimonies of My goodness to restore your mind, to wash over your soul, to clear your sight for what’s ahead. Ministering to Me in purity and in truth always does a work in you. This is building yourself up in your most holy faith. This is strengthening your confidence for the way forward. This is resetting the relationship back to proper order. Come in humility, in gentleness with a pure, open heart and with open hands. I desire to bless you. I bless you every day. I have set my canopy of favor over your life, and it shields you from harm. My grace is poured out on your path and over your head and life. You have everything you need. Rest in Me. Focus on Me. Keep your eyes, your heart and your ears attuned to Me. This is the way you will have the right mindset to advance. This is the renewing of your mind. Your ministry to Me renews your mind. Your pouring out thanksgiving and love for Me strengthens your own faith that I will do it again. Will I not do it again? I will always do it again.

Lay yourself bare, facedown to the ground, in humility before the Lord; and He will lift your head so you can stand tall.

James 4:10 VOICE

Stay in alignment with Me. Allow your love for Me to flood the banks of your heart as you overflow with gratitude before Me. The way forward is low. The way forward is humble. The way forward is overflowing in gratitude and love. Watch what this path brings when that is your approach. The winning approach, the successful approach is the one that is firmly anchored in deep humility and in an unquenchable desire to pour out your love ministering to Me, communing with Me and dwelling in My Presence. Success in this new place comes from the secret place of communion with Me, ministering to Me with empty hands and an open heart. It’s not complicated, but it does not make sense to the unsanctified eye. It does not make sense to those whose hearts have not yet been captured by My love. My opinion is the only one that matters. Move forward low and in love. Your success happens in the secret place.

How to Respond

  • Let go of expectations and any demands you have placed on the Lord.
  • Make time to minister to Him and just love and commune with Him.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit come. Purify my heart. Shine a light on the motives, conditions and demands I have of You. Help me to drop them all and come to You in humility, with an open heart and open hands. Help me to recount Your faithfulness, Your gentleness with Me, Your lovingkindness and Your wonder working power. Thank You for Your promise to do it again.
  • Declare, Now I’ll listen carefully for your voice and wait to hear whatever you say. Let me hear your promise of peace— the message every one of your godly lovers longs to hear. Don’t let us in our ignorance turn back from following you. For I know your power and presence shines on all your devoted lovers. Your glory always hovers over all who bow low before you. — Psalms‬ ‭85‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭TPT‬‬
  • Decree, I drop all conditions and demands that I have placed on the Lord. I commit to approach Him in humility, ministering to His heart. As I thank Him for His faithfulness, His goodness and His wonder working power in my life, He will strengthen my weak knees. He will cause my most holy faith to be stirred, and I will be renewed in my mind and in confidence that He will do it again. As I minister to the Lord, I will see many miracles worked in my own heart and in my life. My success will come from my ministry to the Lord in the secret place.

For more encouragement from The Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:




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