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The Lord Is Setting the Pace & Time Is Moving Faster

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
Time is advancing forward, and I will set the pace. You have felt as if you were nearly standing still, barely advancing, barely moving, yet I Am speeding up the pace. It will feel like you have gone from park to overdrive. It will feel like you went from standing still to a hypersonic sprint. This is the business of My timing. This is the work of My hands.

Transitions to New On-Ramps Are Here

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I’m raising dreams from the dead. I’m lifting them from the ashes of death and defeat. Transitions are here. Transitions from transitions are here. This is an off-ramp that puts you on a new on-ramp. This is not a normal time, and things are not happening or progressing in the normal way.

The Great Leap Year of 2024

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I will always exceed your wildest dreams. I will always do more than you can ask, think, dream or imagine. I dare you to dream bigger. I charge you to dream greater. Nothing is too difficult for Me. I love to exceed your limitations. I love to stretch your faith and cause you to move the tent pegs of your heart, the tent pegs of your mind and imagination to dream bigger, to believe bigger and to have faith for much much more.

Pick Up Your Pace, This Is Double Time

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I’m breaking nations free. I’m setting nations free. These are days of great consequence. These are days of great importance. Stand firm. Be unshakeable. Be immovable. Be a reflection of Christ your King. These are days of warring, advancing. It will feel as if I Am causing the earth beneath your feet to move you forward. This is a time of rapid escalation, rapid advancement.

This Is a Time for Taking Ground

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
My grace is sufficient for you. My power is made perfect in weakness. Walk forward in your weakness. Walk forward in your struggle. Walk forward in your pain. I Am with you. I Am with you always, even to the end of the age. My favor is rolling out like a red carpet before you, and My grace is there to guide the way and provide wind at your back.

From Glory to Glory

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I’m taking My people from glory to glory. I’m giving large leap-like advances in a single move. You are coming into advancement. You are coming into promotion. You are taking a giant leap forward. This is not a time to stay comfortable or to be complacent.

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