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Run Forward Into the Unknown & Dream and Build with the Lord

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth say, 
Look upon My radiant beauty. Gaze into My eyes of pure love. Can you see that they are glinting with adventure? Can’t you see that they are beckoning you forward to come run with Me into the great wide unknown? Life has gotten too tame. Your spirit and countenance have grown dull with the mundane. I’m calling you forward to adventure again. I’m calling you forward to adventure with Me. It’s an invitation into the unknown. It’s an invitation into places never tread or trod before you.

The God of Delights & Freedom

The Lord says, I Am speaking directly into the hearts of people. I Am coming with divine interruptions. My voice may startle some because they haven’t heard it before - or in a long time - yet they all recognize it. Yes, My voice and the breath that I breathe, will indeed breathe new life into dry bones.

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