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The Anointing of Truth Is Blowing In On A Healing Breeze

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Just a day. Just a day of explosive narratives. Just a day of warfare of words. These days have become old hat. These days have become worn out. My grace is covering and flooding. My grace is pouring out truth as if cleansing a sticky tar-like oil spill in the fresh vibrant waters. My truth is healing the polluted waters. My truth is changing the frequency of the shrieking, polluted airwaves.

An Invitation to the Lord’s Ocean of Grace

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My grace is coming in like ocean waves. Let it wash over you. Let it envelop you. Let it cover you and drench you completely. I Am doing something different. I Am doing something so different. My lovers, the ones who abide with Me, who walk with Me, who wait on Me, who dwell and commune heart-to-heart, face-to-face, life-to-life with Me, for these I Am making available My ocean of grace.

Faith & Worship Are Mighty Weapons

The Lord says, 
Praise is a mighty weapon. Praise is a powerful defensive and offensive strategy. Praise causes the forces of darkness to flee. Praise moves you closer to My Presence, closer to My heart. Praise is a fearsome weapon. Use praise to defeat the swirling thoughts, the uncertainties that taunt you, the pressures that are trying to suffocate you.

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