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Dance Your Dance Toward Destiny

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My way is the better way. My way is the dancing way, the laughing way, the fun and light-filled way. My way is truth. My way is freedom. My way is a dance toward destiny. My yoke is easy, and My burden is light. I’m calling My lovers to dance to the beat of My drum that I have put inside of them. I put different beats inside of different hearts. Dance to the one inside of you.

Live Out Loud and Stay in the Fight

The Lord says, 
Love Me well. Worship Me with a full heart. Don’t be half-hearted in the way you live. Live and love fully. Let worship be a full expression of what is in your heart and bubbling out. People who live fully are kinetic. Their enthusiasm and vigor and excitement is infectious. Don’t hide your life, your expression, your being under a bushel. Shine! Live out loud.

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