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The Best Is Yet to Come

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I have brought you to a place of ease — ease in Me. It’s a place you have entered because you know Me. My scrolls of you are secure in My warehouse. They are beautiful, protected and secure. My scrolls of you are many, and I never run out of paper to write about you. You are my heart’s delight. I love to see you learn to walk in My ways. I love to see you hunger for understanding and deeper access into the chambers of My heart. My scrolls of you are many. They fill rooms of My warehouse in Heaven. 

The Lord Is Now Releasing the Best Gifts from His Father’s Heart

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all truth say, 
The choicest parts, the very best gifts come deep from within My Father’s heart. I have held them there and reserved them there until the right moment for you. This is the time of the release of the best gifts from My Father’s heart. All that has been desired, dreamt of and waited on is being released from where I have held it safe and secure as a perfect tightly held treasure in My heart. It’s being released to you now.

This Is the Time of the Floods of God’s Goodness and His Yes & Amen

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Live in anticipation. Live with a great expecation for good. Change is coming. Deliveries are coming. This is a season of expectation and fulfillment. This is a season and a time of of deliveries being made, answers coming and promises fulfilled. Get your hopes up. Get your expectation up higher. A flood of My goodness is incoming. A flood of My goodness that you have only tasted before will overwhelm you and your household. This is the time of my yes and amen. This is a time to be absolutely flooded by My grace, love, favor and goodness.

Allow the Lord to Reset Your Tempo & Focus

The Spirit of the Living God of Peace says, 
The separation was necessary for building. The separation was required for growth. Don’t hold on so tightly to the way things have been. We have entered a next phase of building, and new materials are required. New postures are required. New structures are required. And you will see springtime on both sides of the what feels like a separation. You will see flourishing, growth and fruitfulness.

Heed the Voice of the Lord

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
My grace is dropping into hearts for a knowing. This grace is giving My lovers eyes to see beneath the surface. It is bringing a new level of discernment that will help you to be as innocent as doves but as shrewd as snakes. I haven’t left you out here in the pasture as sheep with no perceptive abilities, with no instinctive impulses, with no ability to protect yourselves.

Stay & Work in the Tight Circle of the Lord’s Grace

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I’ve been here from eternity past. I Am unchanging. Though the earth may shake, though chaos may swirl around you, I Am the unchanging One. I Am the faithful One. I Am the firm foundation, the rock on which to stand. You don’t have to fear the shaking. You don’t have to be thrown off-kilter by the onslaught of news and turmoil. I Am the firm foundation, the unshakeable One whose Kingdom is unshakeable.

A Different Kind of Storm & Apostles Are As Silos of Blessing

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I won’t fail you. It’s not who I Am. It’s not in My nature. I simply don’t ever fail. I don’t. I do not fail. My faithfulness has been seen and lived and experienced through generations. Why would I fail now? I won’t. I won’t fail you. I won’t leave you. I won’t forsake you. I’ll never lie to you. I’ll never leave you. And I’ll never lose. My grace is sufficient for you. My anointing is sufficient for you.

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