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Tsunamis of Revival and Justice

The Lord says, 
Large schools of dolphins sighted off the coast of California will be a sign that the tsunami wave is coming. Watch the water. One tsunami will beget the next. It’s like many have said, nothing can stop what is coming. Many have mocked Me and My Name and My Son and His sacrifice. They will see an undeniable display of My power. Those who witness it will be in awe. They will feel My Presence, and they will know that I Am real and I Am God. They will see that I Am has both awakened them with this and protected them from it.

An Undeniable Kingdom Movement of Purity and Power

The Lord says, 
I Am moving to restore purity and power. Power, the resurrection power of Jesus, the Dunamis Power of My Spirit, is still on the Earth. It resides in believers even today, but it is not accessed. Faith and purity are the keys to accessing and releasing My explosive dynamite power on the earth. Healing power. Deliverance power. Life changing power. Restorative power. It is available.

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