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The Lord’s River of Awakening Grace Is Rushing — We Are To Be Ministers of His Grace

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Abundant Grace say, 
Grace in abundant supply is rushing like a river fed by mountain runoff. This grace is fresh. It’s crisp, and it carries awakening. It carries a startling awakening as it rushes over people. As it splashes on to people, they will be touched by awakening. Some will choose to wade into the very chilly, crisp waters of the grace river.

This Is the Day of the Lord’s Favor

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Do you hear the drumbeat of My favor? The drumbeat of My love? It is resounding with a good cadence. It is marching steadily toward you. You will hear the drumbeat of My favor, the intimate drumbeat of My love in your heart, in your life. This is not a time to say, “I have been abandoned.” This is not a time to say, “the Lord has forgotten me.” It’s not a time to say, “I’m all alone, and I can’t see the way forward.” This is a time to rejoice, to cheer with great shouts, to sing songs of My love and My victory, of My faithfulness.

The Lord Is Surfacing Censored Treasures

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Censored treasures. I’m surfacing censored treasures of old. I’m surfacing ancient wisdom, buried keys and knowledge of great things. Censored treasures are coming to the surface, because I Am causing them to rise. These tools connect to Heaven. These tools tie into and connect to the frequencies of Heaven to bring light, to bring healing, to bring power, to bring life more abundant. They connect to the health of the earth —

The River of Living Water Will Transform the Nation

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Activate truth in your heart. Let truth be all that is active. Let faith be what bubbles forth and holds you firmly and strongly where I have planted you. Truth is running like a river, and famine is threatening to dry it up. Those who have lived without truth for so long are waking up with a deep, deep thirst, and they are coming to this river of truth for a drink.

Expect Grace Suddenlies to Happen

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth say, 
My grace suddenlies are here! Grace suddenlies are here. Those things that pushing and striving have been unable to accomplish, My breath will blow on, and you will see a grace suddenly. You will see and experience numerous grace suddenlies where striving has not succeeded. My breath blowing grace onto them will suddenly produce, will suddenly bloom, will suddenly move things into proper alignment, proper placement, and you will find yourself with new realities with which to advance.

A New Anointing Is Here

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
A new anointing has come to listen to the tongues of angels. Strategies will come in the tongues of angels. And you will see and hear the strategies of the Second Heaven. The screen will be pulled back, and you will see the war raging in the Second Heaven. You will be able to align your decrees with what you see to turn the tide of battle. You will see when darkness seems to overtake the champions of light, and you will speak truth.

Old Dreams Are Resurfacing for Such a Time As This

I heard the Spirit of the Living God, the Father of Heavenly Lights say, I’m dropping morsels in your heart — morsels of My goodness, morsels of dreams. I Am revealing to you dreams long-forgotten, long-dismissed, long-brushed over, and I’m dropping them into your heart as a little morsel of goodness and a hint of what is to come. This is a season to walk in My goodness. This is a time to walk uninhibited in My goodness and in a greater revelation that I Am absolutely good, that My dreams and My heart, My purposes and plans for you are tailor-designed for you.

Tornado Winds of Change Will Be Blowing In — For Your Good & God’s Glory

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Get your hopes up. It’s time to really get your hopes up. Stir up excitement. Stir up anticipation. Stir up the scriptures in your heart. Stir up My promises in your heart. The rain is coming. The tornado winds of change are coming. The hurricane force winds of change are coming. And it will be for your benefit. It will be for your good and My glory. Choose to walk with Me. Choose to stick very close to Me.

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