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Success Comes from the Secret Place

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Drop the conditions. Release your hands from clutching to demands. Release all of that. Just humble yourself and come before Me. Come on your knees, come with an open heart and open hands. Come with your head bowed and your mouth closed. Let My Presence be enough. Take your expectations off the table, and just sit here with Me. Dwell on My goodness. Ruminate on My faithfulness. Remember My miracles and My wonder working power. Will I not do it again? Will I not?

Desire for False Narratives and Palliative Care Gospel is Dead

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
This is a year marked by surrender. This is a year of laying things down — laying ego down, laying ambition down, laying agendas down, laying your entire life and self down and submitting your heart, mind and life to service through the awe of the grace of King Jesus. The awe of Jesus, the rapt awe of Jesus is grabbing ahold of people’s hearts and pulling them down, prostrate before Him.

The Lord Can Prosper You in the Barren Place

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I Am the Magnificent Redeemer, and I will redeem the time. I will redeem all that the locusts have eaten — the creeping locust, the swarming locust, the stripping locust and the gnawing locust. Be anchored in Me. Be in firm, immovable belief that My hand is at work. I Am calling you to firm trust, to stubborn, anchored immovable belief that I Am with you, I Am for you, and I Am working on your behalf.

Your Love for the Lord Is Birthing Something New Right Now

I felt a pressure in my chest as I sat with the Lord. I asked Him what it was, then I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
It’s the blossoming and the pressure of something new bursting forth from your heart. The seeds have been there germinating all along, but today is the day that the pressure of birth is apparent and gives way to new life. My love for you, and your love for Me is birthing something completely new from your heart. It hasn’t been seen before. The fragrance of it has not been released before.

Don’t Despise the Place of Preparation, It Is Readying You for Launching

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Grace is in the place of preparation. The place of preparation has become tedious. It feels mundane, and the place seems too small to contain you. This place of preparation has recently undergone a shift that is permitting you to make necessary changes to your structure, approach, outlook, strategy and tactics that will serve you well.

Buckle Up — This Is a Time of Epic Transitions

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Epic transitions. We are in the time of epic transitions. Nothing will remain the same. Nothing will look the same. Nothing will operate the same. Buckle up. We are hurtling headlong into this time of epic transitions. What you knew will be no more. It will be in a past that cannot be reached back into. Epic transitions are here, and it will seem like you are in a boat riding out very choppy waters. You will have very little control, but the vessel is secure.

Live in the Up-Higher Place of Prayer in This War Season

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth say, 
It’s hard to see and understand what’s going on, but you can see that we are in the storm. You know that the storm has begun. This is a low visibility time in the natural, but you can see with sparkling clarity in the spirit. I have invited you to this up-higher place with Me, where you can see clearly from My perspective. Even above the storm and down through the storm, you will be able to perceive and know where we are in the storm and what’s taking place.

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