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The Place Beyond Prayer: Full and Total Surrender

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Gaze upon My goodness. Let your heart be filled with an awareness of My Presence and with gratitude for My goodness. I Am perfection personified. I Am the real deal. Nothing is impossible with Me, through Me or for Me. Dwell on My majesty, and get a greater perspective on the world around you. As you magnify Me, all the other things fade away in comparison, in significance, in urgency.

You Were Not Meant to Be A Beast of Burden, You Were Made to Run Wild & Free

I heard The Spirit of the Lord say, 
My eyes are on the sparrow. I see your heart. I see the contents of it. I see the places that are tender and bring pain when touched. I know what lights you up, what excites you and delights you. I know what makes you tick. I made you. You are beautiful, inside and out. You are wonderfully and perfectly made. Put your trust in Me. Put the full weight of your confidence and trust in Me. I will give you rest.

Align Completely with Truth, So You Can Ascend

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth say, 
Truth is being heralded forth from people’s hearts with a trumpet sound. Hearts know the truth, and hearts are announcing and making the truth known in the streets, in the city square and throughout the world. Hearts are releasing the truth, which is that — the truth is the only thing that will set men free, will set women free, will set boys and girls free. Only the truth can do that. Anything short of the truth will keep them bound in chains,

We Live in a Super-Abundant Kingdom that Can Only Be Accessed by Faith

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
You live in a kingdom of super-abundance. It’s time you see the fruit of that. It’s time you understand the truth of that, the magnitude of My super-abundant nature. In Me there is no lack. In My kingdom, no lack exists. All you have to do is reach out and grab it. Abundance comes from the condition of your heart. Faith attracts abundance. The kingdom is in you, so if your heart is dry, your soul is dry, and your faith is like a dry, cracking riverbed, you will not live in the reality nor experience My goodness overflowing the banks of the river of your heart.

The Fragrance of Heaven Is a Weapon of Warfare

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I’m blossoming something forth from you. It’s blooming in your heart. It’s a new truth. It’s a new revelation. It’s a new gift for wartime strategies. Your heart is carrying the fragrance of Heaven, and you release it everywhere you go. As you release it, the bloom grows larger, and your capacity to release this fragrance of Heaven expands.

This Season Will Be Known for The Lord’s Power

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of All the Earth say, 
Do you feel the electric charge in the air? It’s My Spirit. I have charged the air with electricity. The energy of My Spirit is palpable. I will not hold back. I will not delay. I have set a conductive atmosphere for surges of power to strike. This is a time that will be known for power surges. My power will be manifested in unusual and unexpected ways, and it will stun many.

You Are in the Birthing Suite

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Israel say, 
The pressure of what’s coming is what you are feeling. I’m birthing something out of your heart. You can feel the pressure of that now. Perfect change is upon you. Birthing change is upon you. Grace is real. (Or He may have said Grace Israel.) These are the birthing pains of the new thing I Am doing in you and will bring through you, to you and for others.

Tornado Winds of Change Will Be Blowing In — For Your Good & God’s Glory

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Get your hopes up. It’s time to really get your hopes up. Stir up excitement. Stir up anticipation. Stir up the scriptures in your heart. Stir up My promises in your heart. The rain is coming. The tornado winds of change are coming. The hurricane force winds of change are coming. And it will be for your benefit. It will be for your good and My glory. Choose to walk with Me. Choose to stick very close to Me.

The White Silence Is a Cleansing Place, a Refuge from the Noise & a Portal to the Lord’s Presence

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
I’m sharpening your ears for hearing. These may seem like times of great silence from Me. My subtlety, My volume, My light touch is training your sensitivity to My Spirit. This is not to create a feeling or suggestion of distance. I Am not distant. This is a time to press in further. This is a time to sit and wait with expectation that you will indeed hear My voice, you will absolutely feel My touch and receive an answer on which way to go.

Do the Training in the Secret Place

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
My peace is settling on My children like a soft, comforting blanket. It will be with you for the road ahead. Settle in until you find me in the silence. Stay there long enough — waiting upon Me, meditating upon Me, worshipping Me — that the silence and the empty space begins to fill and you can sense the residue of My Presence.

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