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Choose the Road Less Traveled

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I’m asking you to choose a different road. It’s the road less traveled. It’s the road not well worn. I’m calling you, beckoning you to step out upon the road less traveled. This has been your path from the beginning. Your life has never fit the mold. Don’t be surprised when I call you to take a fork, to take a path, to advance through a juncture that doesn’t make sense to those around you and barely makes sense to you.

You Are Right On Time

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all Creation say, 
The sands of time are flowing. The wind is shifting, and I Am aligning time into your favor. Where you felt disconnected from time, out of time, late and behind the times, I Am shifting the sands of time — of which I have an unlimited supply. I Am shifting the winds so that time is now in your favor. For so long you have felt like you were needing to catch up, you were missing something, you have somehow not had time in your favor, and you have been left behind by the time.

The Shoreline of Destiny Is Meeting the Ocean of Opportunity

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
You have reached the shoreline of destiny, and it’s time to walk out into the water. It’s time to come with nothing in your hands, nothing weighing you down. And it’s time to wade out into the deep. The shoreline of destiny is just the beginning. Soon you will be swimming in a vast, wide open space in which you cannot be contained. This is the ocean of opportunity where I Am calling you out — to come into the deep.

The Lord Is Working Behind the Scenes & Will Suddenly Open Up A New Path

I heard the Spirit of the Living God, the Master Designer & Builder say, Delicate things are happening behind the scenes. I Am making shifts and rearrangements that are not visible to you. But these changes, these rearrangements with impact you greatly. I’m making changes that will shift your life. I’m making changes that clear a path forward in your heart. I’m making changes that give you greater visibility.

This Is A Time of Convergence & Fruition

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
I chose you long before I placed you in your mother’s womb. Before time began I had a name for you and a plan for you. Your purposes live in my heart. I have purposes for you in My heart that have been there since before time began. Before a word is on your tongue, I know it completely. I created you with the affinities, desires, skills and impulses that live in your heart and course through your soul.

God’s Grace Is Unlocking A New Day of Destiny

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all grace say, 
My grace is a key designed to unlock your heart. Only the Master, the Creator knows what secrets have been hidden in there for your delight and your future. I Am unlocking your heart with My Master Key. And a whole universe of purpose, dreams, desires and song will flow from you in a new way. This is what I do for My lovers. What has been locked inside, what has been hidden inside even from your own view, perception and understanding will suddenly flow forth with a new sound, as a new song. It will amaze you.

The Lord Is Releasing Scrolls of Destiny that Create Expansive, Wide-Open Spacious Boundaries for His People

I heard the Spirit of the Living and Ancient God who rules and reigns forever say, 
It’s time to plant stakes in the ground. It’s time to physically and spiritually mark your definitive boundaries. Days are coming of great increase, and it will be important and sacred for you to know how much increase came to you. Your boundaries will be made and defined by Heaven. And increase is your portion.

The Lord Is Setting the Pace & Time Is Moving Faster

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
Time is advancing forward, and I will set the pace. You have felt as if you were nearly standing still, barely advancing, barely moving, yet I Am speeding up the pace. It will feel like you have gone from park to overdrive. It will feel like you went from standing still to a hypersonic sprint. This is the business of My timing. This is the work of My hands.

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