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The New Day of the Lord’s Grace is Here

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
This is the new beginning. This is the new day. You have crossed the threshold, and the waiting period has ended. Night has fallen, and the chapter has closed on waiting. This is the time of fulfillment. This is the time of holding your dreams, your promises, your hopes, your prayers in your right hand. My Spirit is leaping inside of My sons and daughters.

The Lord Is Drawing You Out of the Waiting Place & Moving You to Destiny

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
Choose grace. Choose faith. Choose trust. Choose Me. I Am the All-Sufficient One. I Am the God to whom you bow your knees. Trust in Me. Rest in Me. Put all of your faith and hope in Me. I will see you through. What seems like a vacant parking lot — this place of your waiting and wrestling and faithfulness alone, I have My eyes on it.

A Personal Destiny Awakening

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
My principles are written in stone. They are written in Living Stone. They are written on the tablets of your heart. They are written on the life of the Cornerstone of your faith, Christ Jesus. He is the solid rock and the Cornerstone. You are the living stones that are building the Church, the legislative body of Christ’s Kingdom, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Destiny Road

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Grace is channeling toward you. My favor and My grace are being channeled toward you, very specifically. This is not general grace and favor. It is very specific, and it is directed and headed and destined to you and for you. My children know My voice. My sheep know the sound and the cadence of My voice.

Welcome to the Entry Point of Destiny

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
The sound of My love for you echoes throughout eternity. You were chosen from before the beginning of time. You were chosen from before the foundations of the Earth. Before I made a thing, the sound of My love for you already echoed through eternity. Like a proud parent, I have waited so long for this moment — to see you at the entry place to destiny.

March On

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
You are My treasure and My reward. Your beauty comes from within, though I have made you beautiful on the outside too. You have purified yourself. You have submitted to cleansing, to purification, to deep, sometimes painful personal cleansing. And now beauty flows out of you like a wild and luscious meadow, like a delightful flower garden, like an enchanting melody.

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