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The Lord Is Making Things Right

The Lord says, 
Worship — pure songs from the heart being offered up to Me — is a very beautiful and pure thing. It touches My heart, and it reveals your surrender, your recognition of Who I Am, what I’ve done, and who I created you to be.

Greater revelations of who I created you to be will come from times of worship. Your right identity, your right understanding of who you are, and who I designed you to be will be revealed incrementally as you worship.

Restoration & Celebration

'm thinking about cake. Lots of beautifully, artistically, intricately designed cakes. These cakes are for a feast, a celebration, a party. Men and women, girls and boys, will be celebrating freedom. Will be celebrating real America, true America, foundational the essential America. I am stripping away the rotten pieces, the excesses and the the filth.

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