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Run Forward Into the Unknown & Dream and Build with the Lord

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth say, 
Look upon My radiant beauty. Gaze into My eyes of pure love. Can you see that they are glinting with adventure? Can’t you see that they are beckoning you forward to come run with Me into the great wide unknown? Life has gotten too tame. Your spirit and countenance have grown dull with the mundane. I’m calling you forward to adventure again. I’m calling you forward to adventure with Me. It’s an invitation into the unknown. It’s an invitation into places never tread or trod before you.

Lavish Grace to Build Is Here

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Grace multiplied by a thousand. Grace upon grace has been given to you — grace for this moment, grace to build. The sufficiency of grace in your life is overflowing. It is breaching its banks and overflowing. You are operating in grace beyond measure in this moment. I have poured it out willingly, generously and for a purpose.

Let the Builders Build, Let the Dreamers Dream and Build

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My grace is on your heart. My grace is moving, hovering, brooding over dreams, visions, hopes and aspirations. My grace is hovering over the builders — those in whose heart is a city in which to dwell, those in whose heart are vast dreams, complex dreams and simple dreams. My heart is hovering over the builders who see the city in their mind’s eye, whose minds live in the future because of the dreams of their heart.

You Cannot Outdream God

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My faith is in you. Put your faith in Me. My trust is in you. Put your trust in Me. My grace is in you. It is more than you need. My grace is more than you need. I will supply every need according to My riches in glory. I will supply every need. My grace extends far beyond your needs.

Dream Bigger

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I’ve given you all you need pertaining to life and godliness. My fingerprints are all over your life. My goodness marks your life. My handiwork dots and covers your life. I knit you together in your mother’s womb. I created the air you breathe and the ecosystem of your life. The life that you call your orbit, your sphere, your routine, your home, your family, your friends — I Am Lord above them all.

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