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Run Forward Into the Unknown & Dream and Build with the Lord

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of Truth say, 
Look upon My radiant beauty. Gaze into My eyes of pure love. Can you see that they are glinting with adventure? Can’t you see that they are beckoning you forward to come run with Me into the great wide unknown? Life has gotten too tame. Your spirit and countenance have grown dull with the mundane. I’m calling you forward to adventure again. I’m calling you forward to adventure with Me. It’s an invitation into the unknown. It’s an invitation into places never tread or trod before you.

Advance with God’s Generous Gift — the Shield of Faith

The Spirit of the Living God of Peace says, 
Trace My goodness in your life. Doesn’t it lead unerringly to today? Doesn’t it lead surely to this place? This moment? Your history is a story of My faithfulness. Your heritage proves that I Am true. Walk with Me. Believe in Me. Assume your birthright. Take hold of that which I have given you. Your faith is a weapon. It is both offensive and defensive.

This Does Not Have to Be a White-Knuckled Crossing Over

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
You can trust Me. You don’t have to white knuckle this crossing. Many will, for we are crossing over. But you can delight. You can skip and sing songs of great joy as we cross over on dry land. We will cross the great divide on dry land. I Am parting the divide. I Am making a way where no man could make a way. I’m causing the divide to pull back, to stand and obey.

The Truth Is as a Sword

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
My Word is eternal, and My fountain never runs dry. My supply never runs out. I Am faithful to the end of the ages, and even after that I remain faithful. You can count on Me. You can trust in Me. I Am who I say I Am, and I Am doing and will do the things I said I would do. Trust in Me. Count on Me. Hang your hat on My Word. It is true.

The Lord Will Bring Us Victoriously to the Eastern Shore if We Remain in Him

The Spirit of the Living God of Grace says, 
My grace is pouring down like a waterfall. My mercy awakens you with a kiss. These are My gifts to you — gifts that bring advancement and freedom, gifts that latch on to your heart’s cry, and say, “come on, let’s go. Let’s do it. Let’s reach it. Let’s climb it. Let’s achieve it. Let’s set the captives free.”

Live in Peace and Faith Amidst the Storm

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
Choose trust in the chaos. Choose trust in the confusion. Choose trust in the storm that surrounds. Trust in Me, and I will reside with you. Keep your trust, your belief burning like a flame. Be diligent to protect your flame from the winds of adversity, the winds of public opinion, the winds and torrents of stress and uncertainty.

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